A note from Mr Jackson

Rosanna Primary School Education Week

This year we will celebrate Education Week in the week starting 20 May. This year’s theme, 'Spotlight on STEM', highlights the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond. Here is a little of what is planned and worth putting in your diary;


Tuesday 21 May 

Career Dress Up Day - Celebrate the many different careers that involve mathematics, engineering and/or science.


Wednesday 22 May

National Simultaneous Storytime   - Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 24th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the Curriculum.



Thursday 23 May 

Open Classrooms – Carers and parents are invited join classes and participate in a range of interactive science/maths experiences and games  from 2:40pm. All are welcome. 


Junior School Council Podcast – A Must Listen

If you haven’t had an opportunity to listen to our students, then visit the newsfeed on Compass. It is great to hear the ins and outs of student action from the Junior School Council team. 



The absence of students for reasons that are unexplained are of significant concern. A child’s whereabouts should always be accounted for by a parent/carer or the school. To ensure students are safe, the school sends an SMS to ensure the students absence on the morning of any unexplained student absence. Thanks to those who respond to clarify the absence on Compass or with a simple phone call. It is important to keep all students safe.


Amphitheatre Almost Complete

Students are excited with the possibilities that might spring in this area. ‘I want to eat my lunch there’, said one student this week. Another said, ‘I just want to sit there with friends, like the shady tree’. Plans are already bubbling away as students consider ways to declare the space open. Abe suggested, ‘We could have everyone just sit down at once!’. We look forward to marking the opening of this new space soon. Again, thanks to our community who participated in FORPS fundraising over 2023. Their effort has made all the difference in this space.


Working Bee Invitation (Saturday 18 May)

We’re eager to gather a working crew together for the next Working Bee on 18 May 2024 between 9:00am and 12 noon. We have lots of ideas about projects that can be tackled that will enhance our school. These include a possible path around the base of the retaining wall between the shady tree and lower playground, painting of yellow bin spots to indicate placements of bins for students, addition of mulch to garden beds, cleaning of the bins, mortaring some gaps in the retaining wall along the Bellevue edge of the school. Cleaning drains and some pruning are always on the list!


All support on our termly Working Day is greatly appreciated. So much is contributed to our wider community in these targeted activities. A small gathering at 12 noon always enjoys a sausage and friendly banter at the end of the morning. Please consider joining us for the whole morning or an hour or two. Every hand makes a difference.


Mothers and Special Others Morning Yoga

Mums and anyone eager to stretch in the morning are invited to join us on Monday morning 6 May at 8:15am on the synthetic area outside the staffroom. There is no need to book. But all are invited to join us to start the week by limbering up! Looking forward to stretching long lost muscles!


Sustainability Irrigation Install

While teachers went to another school, parents snuck in and shaped and twisted irrigation in the Sustainability Garden. A special thanks to those who contributed their time and energy and bringing it all together. Make sure you read the article in the newsletter.


Walk to School Morning

We are always looking for ways to encourage students to develop healthy and active lifestyles. Students have been actively completing laps of the oval as a challenge by their teachers. On Friday 10 May, students are invited to meet at a central meeting place and walk together to school! See the flyer. Teachers, students and parents/carers celebrating the importance of staying active. Please consider joining us!