Welcome to Term 2 in STEM. It's been great seeing all the children back and eager to learn. I've now had a chance to see every class, so hopefully your child has come home with excitement about what the term holds.
Junior School: Foundation -2
This term the Junior School students are studying Animal Adaptations. They have each had a chance to meet their own special creature named Blob, whom they will be the caretakers for this term. Blob is actually a block of green plasticine (shh don't tell him that, he thinks he's a real animal). Each week the students will learn about different physical adaptations that animals have to survive in their environment: fins, wings, limbs etc. and will then get a chance to show what they know by modelling their Blob into an animal with those adaptations. Keep an eye on Seesaw to see how Blob adapts over the term.
Middle School: 3/4
The 3/4's have been very excited when I've seen them around school. That's because this term is all about learning coding with the Dash Robots. Dash, Buzz, Jet, Twitch and the gang (Each robot has it's own name) are charged up and ready to play. If you haven't already, make sure your 3/4 student has downloaded the Go, Blockly and Wonder apps for Dash Robots, from the app store. They are vital for our learning as they "talk" to the robots.
Senior School: 5/6
The Senior Students have each been assigned a small Lego Technic kit this term, to learn about the physics behind simple machines. Terms such as axles, beams, pins and gears will become part of their vocabulary as they follow Lego designs to make machines with levers and gears. Then they will build on this knowledge by creating their own working technic builds.
Students have been reminded that they need to have Google Slides downloaded to their devices in order to have access to the weekly build instructions and to submit evidence of their work each lesson.