From the Sports Desk...
Ms Bos
From the Sports Desk...
Ms Bos
We have a lot going on in this term with Cross Country for years F-6, Winter Interschool Round Robin for year 5/6, BTYC Gymnastics for years 3 - 6 and many more activities within PE classes including Fitness Assessments. It's a busy term for sport, so please keep an eye out on compass for important information and payments.
All classes from foundation to year 6 have already begun practicing for house cross country, with lots of running activities during PE sessions. We've also been learning about and trialling good running technique.
Well done to Waratah House for winning the Term 1 House Cup!
Students gained house points during classroom activities and running laps of the school oval.
We can't wait to see which house will win the cup for House Cross Country on the 2nd of February and again at the end of Term 2's classrootally.
Please refer to compass, for payments and consent required over the next few weeks for:
BTYC Gymnastics starting in Week 4, for 5 weeks
(Years 3/4 - Monday's and Years 5/6 - Wednesday's)
Winter Interschool Round Robin
(Years 5/6)
Day 1 - Thursday 16th May
Day 2 - Thursday 20th June