Maths News
Miss Flack
Maths News
Miss Flack
Kangourou sans Frontières (KSF) Results
In Term 1, 39 students from grade 3-6, competed in the Kangourou sans Frontières (KSF). All students should be commended for participating in the event, and challenging themselves in this way.
The results are in!
Students will receive their certificates during the first Assembly of Term 2, Friday 26th of April.
The AMC (Australian Maths Competition), will run in August. All student from grade 3-6 a more than welcome to participate in the competition.
Once again, we would like to congratulate all students who participated.
Maths Riddle
Last riddle: Well done to Ananya from 3/4F! She correctly answered the riddle. There are 14 squares!
Riddle #2
Here is the next riddle. The first student who correctly answers the question will get a shout out in next Snippets issue. Fill in the form with your name, grade and answer.