Principal's Report 

Issue No 11- 24 April 2024

Term 2 - Week 2

Principal’s Report

Arrival time / Supervision of students

It is important to note that students are not to arrive at school before 8:30 am, as active supervision commences from 8:30 am onwards.

The school grounds will open at 8:30 am and classes begin at 9.00 am (music starts at 8:57 am to alert our community to move to their classrooms).  Students are supervised in the yard from 8:30 am.  Classrooms will open at 8:50 am (unless inclement weather).


General Safety

St Kilian’s Primary School strongly encourages students to utilise the toilets inside the school grounds.  The toilet block in the St Kilian’s Parish car park is NOT managed by the school and is used by the general public, this could put students at risk.  Parents and Friends, if you wish to access toilet facilities, please see office staff; they will direct you to the staff toilets.


School Cross Country

Congratulations to all our students for the wonderful participation in the School Cross Country last Wednesday.  On Monday I was able to announce the House winner of this event was Backhaus.  Well done Backhaus an excellent effort for everyone.


Mother’s Day

For Mother's Day this year, we will celebrate our mothers and special friends on Wednesday 8th May.

All mothers and special friends of the school are invited to attend mass at St Kilian’s Church at 12:10 pm.

After mass mothers and special friends are welcome to join together in the hall for a cuppa and slice of cake.  Students will eat their lunch at this time and receive an icy pole at the end of the lunch break. 

Mother’s Day Gifts

Students will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their mothers or special friends on Wednesday 8th May. A parent volunteer has organised a range of gifts for all students to purchase.  Students are asked to bring $5 to purchase a gift.

State Swimming and Diving

Congratulations to Abby Colt on her efforts at Friday’s State Swimming Championships, Abby performed very well.  Congratulations to William Everton on his efforts at Monday’s Region Diving Championships where he received a gold medal.  Following this event William participated in the State Diving Championships where he came 7th overall. 


Tuckshop News

Our Tuckshop will be closed until a new person has been appointed as Tuckshop/Uniform Manager.


Uniform Purchases

Please continue to purchase Uniform items via QKR, these will be filled on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  



This Thursday the 25th April as Australians, we honour all of the men and women who have participated in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world, including the ANZACs who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I, as part of the ANZAC Day celebrations. Through dawn services and commemoration events throughout Australia and the world, we remember and give thanks to all of the fallen who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and peace we experience today. 

During Thursday’s midmorning service our school will be represented by Esme Mennen and Kingston Clark.

'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.'


Unit Assemblies

What are Unit Assemblies?

Unit Assemblies will include all aspects of the Monday morning assembly with the addition of the unit presentation before the Principal’s address.  These assemblies will take place in the school hall where students are seated.

Each unit takes a turn presenting at the assembly and performing an item that focuses on the current PBIS focus and appropriate liturgical/national celebrations.

Unit Assemblies (7 in total) will commence in term 2 and will take place at appropriate times throughout the school year.  These assemblies should take no more than 30 minutes to complete.

Unit Assemblies will be advertised on the School newsletter and invitations will be sent from the classroom teachers.

Following the Unit Assembly, the classroom teachers will be available to participate in the St Kilian’s Coffee time with parents and carers until 10 am (leadership will manage classrooms at this time).

This term the following Unit Assemblies have been booked.


Pupil Free Day 

On Friday 26th April our staff will be participating in a Religious Education Professional Learning on ‘Imaginative Prayer’ with Carlie Anderson.


Pupil Free Days 

26th April School Closure: Religious Education

13th May School Closure: Learning & Teaching with Toni Hatten-Roberts.


Public Holidays during Term 2

25th April ANZAC Day

10th June King’s Birthday


Upcoming events

Upcoming events

Term 2

Week 3 Catholic Education Week

  • School Open Week 9:15-11 am daily
  • 29th April School Information Session- New Preps 2025
  • 1st May School Advisory Meeting 6 pm
  • 1st May Division Cross Country

Week 4

  • 8th May Mother’s Day Mass & Cuppa Mass at 12:10pm
  • 9th & 10th May Grade 4 Camp Pioneer Settlement
  • 12th May Mother’s Day

2025 Enrolment Process

Applications are called from parents wishing to enrol children in Foundation (Prep) and other classes at St Kilian’s Primary School for the 2025 school year.

Children may be enrolled to start school in February of the year in which they turn five, provided their birthday is on or before the 30th of April.


Open Week School Tours

Monday 29th April - Friday 3rd May,

Student Led Tours 9:15 am to 11:00 am

or by appointment outside of these times.


School Information Night

Monday 29th April 2024 at 7:00 pm 

Multi Purpose Room


If you are unable to attend our School Open Week, please feel free to make an appointment to view our excellent teaching and learning environment. 


To begin the enrolment process, please contact the school on



Phone: 5443 4071


Please note the following key dates: 

Monday 15 April:    2025 Enrolments Open 

Friday 24 May:         Closing date for 2025 Enrolments 

Friday 7 June:           Enrolment offers made to all Bendigo Primary students 

Friday 21 June:        Bendigo parents must accept/decline enrolments by this day. 


Enrolment positions will be reallocated if not accepted by this date.


God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney  
