Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay

Emergency Drill

We held an evacuation drill for the school on Wednesday. The staff and students ensured it was a smooth process and it was one of our most effective yet! The school ended up on the field as a safety point and rolls were taken to check everybody off. This is an important part of the safety process as it gives us the chance to see what works and what needs improving. We will also be holding a lockdown drill, later in the year, as part of the process.


District Cross Country

On Wednesday 24th April, we had 43 students compete at District Cross Country at Casey Fields.  It was a fantastic day and all the students did such an awesome job.  It was so lovely to see all the students cheering and encouraging each other! 

Special mention to our Top 10 place getters, who will be competing at Division level on Wednesday 29th May.

1st place - Ethan  (12/13 boys)

2nd place – Dominic  (12/13 boys)   2nd place – Carter  (9/10 boys) 

3rd place – Namo  (9/10 girls)

5th place – Charlotte  (12/13 girls) 


Well done to all our Clyde competitors, we are all really proud of you all.


Mother's Day Celebrations

Our Mother's Day Stall will take place on the Thursday 9th May.  Each class will be allocated a time where they will be given the opportunity to shop for their special person. Gifts range from .50c- $5, please do not send large notes to the stall.  Prices are set to cover costs only and the stall does not make a profit. 


Our Mother’s Day Picnic will take place on Friday 10th May,  gates will be open from 1.50pm.

Our special guests might like to bring a picnic lunch and find an available outdoor space within the school grounds to sit together as a family, we can arrange for siblings to sit together with their special guests.  If the weather is not suitable for an outdoor picnic, then we will move the event inside into classrooms.  If you intend to come to the picnic, please notify your classroom teacher through Compass or in person.


Education Week at Clyde Primary School

This year Education Week at Clyde Primary School will be celebrated with a showcase of student work in our specialist classes (Auslan, Digitech, Physical Education, Art and Music) as well as some classroom activities. On May 16th from 2:40- 4:40pm families are invited to attend and travel along our Education Week "Specialist Showcase".


Parent Reminders

Firstly, I would like to remind parents waiting outside classrooms, to be mindful of the language you are using as this can easily be overheard by our students.

And again, I remind parents to be safe whilst driving and parking your car around our school. I have been working with Casey Council and the highway patrol/local police to identify parents who continually ignore school parking and speed limits. They will continue to regularly patrol our school.


Sunsmart Reminder

Just a reminder that school hats need to be worn during recess and lunch time until the 30th April. After this date hats can still be worn but are not compulsory again until mid August.


Chaplaincy Program

Unfortunately, we have not been funded for the National Student Wellbeing Program for 2024-2027. We have previously used this funding for our Chaplaincy Program. The previous funding expires early this term, however we have decided to pay for our current chaplain, Arun, to finish at the end of this term. He will continue to work one day a week, and this program will cease at the end of the term. We are currently looking at the needs of our students to identify other supports we can utilise through our Mental Health Funding.