Twilight School

Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May.
This year's theme, Spotlight on STEM, highlights the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond.
This year, Athol Road PS will celebrate Twilight School in Education Week on Thursday 16th May and will highlight the 2024 STEM theme.
Thursday 16th May - School starts at 12.30pm and School finishes at 7.00pm
Students must not arrive at school before 12.15pm on Twilight School as there will be no staff supervision.
12.30pm – 2.30pm: Learning Space Program
2.30pm – 3.00pm: Afternoon Recess (students bring their own snack)
3.00pm – 4.30pm: Learning Space Program
4.30pm – 5.30pm: Dinner Break (students provided with a free meal)
Pack up learning spaces and everyone to the hall
5.40pm – 6.20pm: STEM SHOW (parents are welcome to attend the STEM SHOW in the school hall)
Back to learning spaces to receive glow products
6.30pm- 6.50pm: GLOW TIME
(Foundation in the hall; Year 1/2 Junior basketball area; Year 3 -6 Senior oval)
7.00pm: Dismissal from Learning Spaces
No student will be permitted to walk home at 7.00pm.
Students must be picked up by a parent/carer at 7.00pm from their learning spaces.
- Students are to wear their school uniform
- Students must eat lunch before they come to school at 12.15pm
- Students will need to bring a snack to eat around 2.30pm
- Students will be provided with a free meal for dinner at 4.30pm
- Vegetarian option available (please inform the school at )
- If your child requires different food, they will need to bring it to school.
- Students will be provided with a glow product to enjoy a ‘Glow Time’ at 6.30pm
- All students must be picked up from their learning spaces at 7.00pm.
- Students who are unable to stay at school until 7.00pm, there are 2 options:
- Students will be dismissed at 3.30pm as normal procedure (only if parents inform the school at )
- Parents can come to the school office to pick up their child anytime after 3.30pm and before 5.30pm (after 5.30pm students will be in the hall for the STEM show)
- Where possible, students are expected to stay until 7.00pm to enjoy the experience.
Out of School Hours Care will operate on Thursday 16th May from 9.00am – 12. 15pm for the children of parents who are unable to arrange alternative care.
COST: $30.00
A morning snack will be provided BUT students will need to bring their own LUNCHES to eat before being dismissed to their learning spaces at 12.15pm
BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL and numbers are limited so PLEASE email the school at by Friday 10th May to book your child into OSHC.