Key Dates
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Curriculum Day is coming up on Friday 17th May. Students do not come to school on this day as teachers will be participating in professional learning.
Friday 10th May Mother's Day Afternoon Tea and Special Assembly
Friday 10th May Applications for Year 7 Placement Due
Thursday 16th May Twilight School 12.30pm - 7.00pm
Friday 17th May Curriculum Day - no school for students
Wednesday 22nd May School Council Meeting
Friday 24th May Division Cross Country
Tuesday 28th May Biggest Morning Tea
Wednesday 5th June Foundation Excursion to CERES
Thursday 6th June Years 3-6 Swimming Begins
Monday 10th June King's Birthday Public Holiday
Wednesday 12th June Region Cross Country
Monday 24th June - Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp
Wednesday 26th June (2 night - 3 day camp)
Wednesday 26th June School Council Meeting
Friday 28th June Last day of Term 2, students finish at 2:30pm
Monday 15th July Curriculum Day - no school for students
Tuesday 16th July First Day of Term 3