School Council News

Next School Council Meeting: Tuesday 21st May 2024. 

If you wish to have a topic discussed at an upcoming School Council meeting, please reach out to one of our current members. 

Our newly elected School Council met for the first time late last term. At that meeting, council elected Georgia Lea to the position of School Council President and joining her as School Council Vice President is Lucy Bowles


2024 Newtown Primary School Council Members;

  • Georgia Lea (President)
  • Lucy Bowles (Vice President)
  • Pete Varszeghy (Treasurer)
  • Emily Schofield
  • Nadine Forsythe
  • Max Tilley
  • Nat Bugler
  • Gavin Coles
  • Jenni Bauquier
  • Shannon Rees
  • Corrie Barclay (executive officer) 
  • Mia Moran (staff representative)
  • Jarrod McKinnis (staff representative)

School wide invitation to join Newtown Primary School Council Subcommittees 

At the first meeting of our new school council held last term, council reviewed the school's Subcommittees. It was decided that the following 4 subcommittees will operate in 2024.


-Parents and Friends (incorporating fundraising)

-Sustainability and Environment 

-Wellbeing and Culture 


Subcommittees are advisory bodies to the school council. They assist council with performing their duties and functions and are generally established to support school council in specific areas.


Subcommittee membership is open to any member of the school community, you do not need to be on school council to be an active member of a subcommittee. Subcommittees do require a minimum of 3 members (and at least 1 member of school council). They meet between scheduled school council meetings for an appropriate number of times during the year, discuss related matters and report in writing (including recommendations and providing advice) to council. 


If you would like to know more about becoming a member of any of our school council subcommittees, please contact Corrie, or our school council president Georgia Lea. 


For further information and to view the Department's school council subcommittee policy, please click on the link here