
Congratulations to all of our award recipients! 


Week 3Week 4
FAS - Remi MFAS - Ashwika P
Being such a helpful member of Prep S. Remi, you always think of others and how you can help. You are a star!For trying her best in everything that she does. Ashwika, you are focussed and are a great listener.
JCP - Evie HJCP - Madisson H
For being so organised for her learning everyday.For working hard in maths to understand subtraction. 
JMM - Olli MJMM - Jasper B
For being a good friend, always trying your best and contributing to class discussions. You are a star Ollie!For your amazing work in maths. You are a subtraction master!
JRS - Riley-Rose SJRS - Jimmy W
For always trying your best in every learning task. For being a great friend to others when they are feeling upset. 
MLM - Clyde MMLM - Harper K
For using impressive vocabulary in his writingTaking great care of the Ipad pens, showing initiative and responsibility.
MPO - Elmarie WMPO - Ethan D
For her great commitment to practising her skills in reading.For your great application in Maths this week.
SLM - Audrie LSLM - Yuvraj J
For going out of your way to keep our learning space neat, tidy and presentable. You set a great example, Auds!For your insanely epic '2-Way Narrative'. This was some seriously impressive writing, mate!
SRW - Jereme RSRW - Sienna S
For always approaching your learning with positivity. You are awesome!For your positive attitude and amazing improvement at Lightning Prem. netball this week. You are a superstar!
SSW - Nandika VSSW - Seb L
For your outstanding leading of literacy circle discussion. Well done!For creativity and enthusiasm in his writing.


Student Birthdays






We would like to say a BIG Happy Birthday to the following students who have celebrated their birthdays in the last few weeks.  We hope you had an AMAZING day! 


Rhubi P - MLM

Imani S - MPO

Ramita J - MPO

Sloan Y - JCP

Ari E - FAS

Bailey D - JMM

Nico B - JMM

Heidi T - FAS

Lola M - JMM

Lucy D - JRS

Mimi B - JMM

Ollie M - JMM

Ned S - MPO

Sid V - SRW