Performing Arts

We hCommunicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Penelope Lang (Performing Arts)
National Reconciliation Week - Now More Than Ever
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) runs from 27th May - 3rd June. The dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey—the anniversaries of the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision.
NRW is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to reflect on ways we can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Have a look online at Reconciliation Australia for a list of events happening this weekend.
Mitch Tambo - School Visit
I am very excited to announce that First Nations singing and songwriting star, Mitch Tambo, will be visiting our school on Tuesday 18th June.
He is a proud Gamilaraay man, a husband, father, performer and academic and we are so excited to have him come to our school to perform. We can't wait to say "Yaama, Yaama" to him and his crew in a few weeks time. Please note this concert is not open to family and friends and is strictly for USPS students only. Consent and payment must be made via Compass as soon as possible please.
After the 45min concert, Mitch has invited some students to participate in a Yarning Circle with him. More information about this will be sent home next week.
Whole School Production - Cinderella and Rockerfella
AUGUST 7th and 8th
Thank you to those parents in Year Five and Six who have offered to help us with costume fittings for our school production. I am still keen to hear from any parents (or grandparents) from the other Year levels who might be able to assist us with costume co-ordination and some simple sewing tasks. If you think you could help with this can you please send me an email (address is above) as soon as possible. Next week, I will be sending home details about some items that each child will need to provide for their class item. We always try and keep things simple and inexpensive.
Closer to our production I will also put the call out for some backstage helpers, people to assist with hair and character makeup, photographers and people to help us 'bump out' and pack a truck after the last show. Please reach out if you want to be involved.
If you know that your child will NOT be attending our whole school production, can you please send me an email to confirm this ASAP. I have already completed the night splits (your child performs one night only) and your child's absence impacts this plan. We have to plan our numbers very carefully this year so as to avoid people missing out on tickets.
Victorian State School's Spectacular 2024
Our VSSS Dance google classroom page has been updated with our new dance tutorials and information about COSTUME requirements. Please make sure you have read this with your child and start thinking about the items you will need. I have also placed details on the page about the 2024 VSSS HOODIE. This year, you must order and pay for them directly if you plan to purchase one. Please note that they do not form part of the compulsory uniform and are an optional extra. Students can wear them to school if they wish but please make sure they are named.
| IMPORTANT, please note:
Our next rehearsals are as follows:
20th June - rehearsal at school
9th August - Hub rehearsal at HE Parker Sports Complex Heathmont (please note the date and location change. This is also the school closure day)
12th and 13th September - technical and dress rehearsal at John Cain Arena
14th September - Performance day/night
Instrumental Lessons
At the end of this page is information about our school's Instrumental Program that is run by Groove Foundations. We offer lessons on most instruments and have an outstanding team of musicians who deliver this program to over 100 students. The first 'trial' lesson is free of charge and your child will get the opportunity to perform in an end of year instrumental concert if they want to. Feel free to contact Jordan Scotney who would be happy to answer any of your questions.
School Choir
Junior and Senior choir have now started. The Senior choir meets every Wednesday and the Junior choir meets every Thursday. Please note that sometimes, due to other events taking place in the school, the choir times will be changed. Very occasionally I will have to call lunchtime rehearsals so we can catch up on missed singing time. I have noticed that some students still do not have a plastic wallet or binder with pockets. They need this so that they can collect the lyric sheets for the songs we are singing. We hope you enjoyed our beautiful performance of our Anzac Day song, 'In Flanders Fields'.
Learning in Performing Arts
The students have continued to learn their songs and dances for our school production.
Many of them are very keen to bring in their own teddy bears for our rehearsals. You are more than welcome to do so, but please make sure it is not your child's most favourite or precious teddy as I would be very sad if they got lost. We are also needing bears that look as 'traditional' as possible (see pictures below). In between are song and dance rehearsals, the students have been brushing up on their beat and rhythm skills using our rhythm sticks and performed in small groups on our stage blocks. They completed their Portfolio Tasks during which time we talked about the process of 'rehearsing' and why we repeat songs and dances multiple times. Some children have expressed a fear of performing on a stage and so we unpacked these different feelings. We are still working hard to form straight lines, small circles as well as throwing and catching teddy bears.
Year One and Two:
The students in Years One and Two have been making great progress on their two songs and dances for our whole school production, 'Cinderella and Rockerfella'. The students in year one will be cowboys and cowgirls (so keep your eye out for checked/flannelette tops, cowboy boots and hats and the year two students will be Cinderella's pets (keep an eye out for any animal costumes/onesies/animal print clothes etc). I will send home more costume information next week. The students in Year Two had fun working in a small group to plan and perform a small improvised drama about Cinderella's pets. They had to use their creative imaginations to think up ways to cheer up Cinders. Mrs Hall visited our classroom last week to film the Year One dance so they can rehearse back in their classroom. I love the way we all come together during our whole school production season. We discussed the importance of 'Reconciliation Week' and listened to the music of Mitch Tambo.
Year Three and Four:
The students in Year Three and Four have been working hard to learn and retain a lot of choreography for their class item for our whole school production, 'Cinderella and Rockerfella'. They performed our finale in small groups as part of their dance assessment and focussed on performing the dance steps with precision and accuracy. It was a great opportunity for me to step out of the mirror, a moment that always tests the students' memories when they do not have me to copy. I was super proud of their efforts and it has been incredible to watch them grow in confidence. Some of the students had the opportunity to dance with one of our wigs on (see below). We then realised that several students in fact have their own mohawks....that definitely won't fall off mid dance!
Year Five and Six:
The actors have been meeting with me (or Ms Oliver) every Friday to go through their scenes. It would be great if you could check in with your child and see how they are going with learning their lines. It would be really helpful if they could rehearse (out aloud) with another person. This will help them to recall their lines as well as their cues. During our class lessons, the students have risen to the challenge of doing partner work in one of their dance items. Lines often get changed on a weekly basis and it has been great to watch the students be flexible and adaptable as we work through the creative process of dancing with 46 people. We should have all of the main character costumes at school after the long weekend and we will start some costume fittings as soon as possible.