Senior School News

Year 10

College and Family Partnership

A key discussion point during our Year 10 Information Evening in Term One, was that to set students up for success, it is important that the College and the family support students by working in partnership. The College has clear expectations in relation to uniform and work completion. Furthermore, just as employees are expected to behave in a manner which befits workplace expectations, including being punctual for duties, the College expects that students conduct themselves by upholding the College’s Code of Conduct. Parent and caregiver support with these matters helps enrich our community.

As the College and families continue to prepare students for the rigors of Years 11 and 12 and indeed life beyond school, a thriving College and family partnership will be a key determinant of student success.

Year Ten Examinations

In two weeks’ time, Year 10 students will be about to commence their examinations. Relevant documentation has been circulated to students and families. Students should now be productively using their study time to revise before these assessments. With subject selection on the horizon, student results will provide a powerful data snapshot for consideration. If any families have any questions regarding these examinations, please proactively contact the relevant classroom teacher.


Students will need to have their SmartRiders with them for all 

examinations. This is because students will use their Western Australian Student Number (WASN) as their unique identifier, a process akin to that of ATAR examinations. The College will have a copy of student WASNs on hand if required.



Quote of the Week:

We need to teach our teenagers that failing is not a sign that they are flawed or bad, just a sign that they are human.

~ Maggie Dent


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)