Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2


Kindy's Present to Mums ♥️

Our beautiful Kindergarteners were busy painting plant pots and potting them with lovely flowers for their mums to enjoy on Mother's Day! We hope you loved them as much as they enjoyed making it for you ♥️

Pre-Primary's Excursion to the Perth City Farm

To complement the Pre-Primary Inquiry unit, on Wednesday 8th May, students went on an adventure to the Perth City Farm together with Mrs Maisey and Mrs Visser. They learnt about worm farms and composting, explored seeds, how they grow and had the opportunity to plant their own seedlings to take home. The students embarked on a scavenger hunt to uncover the wide array of treasures scattered across the farm before enjoying lunch under the orange and banana trees. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and the students deepened their understanding of the environment and how to care for our world.

Year One

In Year One, we have been learning all about the weather and the changes that occur during each season. We made wheels showing the different seasons and matching them to suitable clothing.

We have also been learning a range of exciting mathematical skills, such as telling the time and counting on. During both Literacy and Mathematics time, we have been integrating Digital Technologies and learning many different ways to use the class iPads, such as using QR codes to gain access to activities and completing pre-loaded activities on SeeSaw.

Year Two's Excursion to Kalamunda History Village

Welcome to Week Five! I would like to start by saying a belated Happy Mother's Day to all of our Salvado Catholic Community members who are a special role model for our students. I hope you had a blessed day, with plenty of time to relax. It was wonderful to acknowledge all of our Mums and special female role models at the College morning tea. The event had a sensational attendance and I would also like to thank the Friends of Salvado (FoS) for the support and organisation of the Mother's Day stall. 

Last week, Mrs Fiolo and I attended a course to become a Team Teach Trainer. We are looking forward to sharing the skills we learnt over the week with the staff at Salvado Catholic College.


Below I have included some information from the Team Teach website.


Our training solutions are built on a foundation of respect and are designed to foster cultures of support, helping individuals recognise the needs of those they work with and offer help where necessary. Our training emphasises team building, personal safety, communication, and verbal and non-verbal de-escalation techniques for dealing with behaviours of concern, all with the goal of reducing the need for physical interventions. For some settings, we can also teach physical interventions to resolve conflicts in ways that are safe and provide opportunities for repair and reflection for everyone involved.


The philosophy of Team Teach aligns with both 123 Magic and Berry Street, which have already been implemented across the College. This is just another way we hope to improve our support and care for the students.


This Friday we have our Year Two classes presenting Assembly. I look forward to seeing the students share all of the wonderful learning opportunities that have taken place so far tis term. I hope to see our parents/caregivers there to share in this wonderful experience.


Please keep in mind that Sunday 26 May is National Sorry Day. The College will be acknowledging this special occasion throughout the following week. 


This week, our current Playgroup leader Emma will be leaving us. We would like to acknowledge her hard work and dedication to the role. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the new members who will share the leadership duties so that the Salvado Playgroup can continue in the future.


Kind Regards, 

Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindy to Year 2)