Mission & Faith Life


“I am with you always, yes; to the end of time.” [Matt 28:20]

This coming Sunday is the Feast Day of Pentecost (Greek word meaning fiftieth). Pentecost celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles, empowering them to spread Christianity. Forty days after Jesus’ resurrection, He ascended into heaven. Pentecost is celebrated ten days after the Ascension (50 days after Easter) and  it marks the birth of the Christian Church. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus remains ever present, guiding and sustaining believers. Click here to read more about Pentecost.

LifeLink Day

LifeLink Day will be launched in Week 5 on Wednesday 15 May.

On this day all students are invited to bring a 

GOLD COIN donation for LifeLink.

 Click here to read about the different local care agencies 

that your child’s donation will support. 

This year LifeLink celebrates it’s 25th Anniversary!


Community Mass - Grandparents' Mass

In Week 5, the College will come together for our Community Mass led by Fr. Errol. All are welcome to this Mass - students, parents carers and friends. A special invitation is extended to our Salvado Catholic College GRANDPARENTS. We are celebrating this mass to acknowledge and give thanks to all of our wonderful grandparents.

Year 10 Christian Service Learning - HBF Run for a Reason

On Sunday 19 May, a group of Year 10 students will be participating in the HBF Run for a Reason as part of their Christian Service Learning.


Use this link 

https://runforareason24.grassrootz.com/foodbank-wa/salvadocatholiccollege if you would like to donate to our Year 10 Salvado Catholic College Team. Thank you in anticipation for supporting our students with their Christian Service Learning.

Pope Francis' Monthly Prayer Intention

In May, we pray for the formation of men and women religious and for seminarians.



The Holy Father encourages prayers for the formation of men and women religious and for seminarians, emphasising the ongoing development of their vocations through grace, prayer, community, and witness to the Gospel.





Heavenly Father, 

We pray that religious women and men, 

and seminarians, 

grow in their own vocations 

through their human, pastoral, 

spiritual and community formation, 

leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel.



Please click here to read more about the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and this month’s intention.