A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carergivers 


As we journey together in pursuit of academic excellence and spiritual growth, let us take a moment to celebrate the great range of enriching experiences that shape our College community.


Academic Excellence:

At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to academic excellence, where students are empowered to reach their full potential. Through innovative curriculum, dedicated staff, and state-of-the-art resources, our College provides a nurturing environment where intellectual curiosity is cultivated, critical thinking skills are honed, and a lifelong love for learning is instilled. 


Faith Formation:

Rooted in our Catholic identity, faith formation permeates all aspects of College life, nurturing the spiritual development of our students. Through opportunities for prayer, reflection, and participation in the sacramental life of the Church, students are invited to deepen their relationship with God and grow in their understanding of Catholic teachings. Our ministry programs, retreats, and Christian Service Learning opportunities provide invaluable experiences for students to explore and live out their faith, fostering a sense of community grounded in love, compassion, and social justice.


Parental Support and Partnership:

We recognize and deeply appreciate the invaluable role that parents play in the educational journey of our students. Your ongoing support, encouragement, and partnership are essential to the success and well-being of our College community. Together, as partners in education, we share a collective commitment to nurturing the holistic development of our students and preparing them for lives of purpose, service, and leadership.


Staffing Updates

We have a number of staff joining and leaving the College in the coming weeks. 

  • On Wednesday, May 8 we welcomed Mr Greg Egan to the College in his role as College Counsellor. 
  • Ms Anna Greene (Year 9 Coordinator & Mathematics Teacher) will conclude her time at Salvado on Friday 24 May, we wish her all the best as she returns to Ireland. 
  • Secondary Mathematics Teacher – Ms Alexis Wilkes commences on Monday 20 May taking on Ms Greene's classes. 
  • Ms Amanda McLaughlin will be the Year 9 Coordinator from Monday 27 May, taking over from Ms Greene. 
  • Secondary Italian Teacher, Mrs Cynthia Villarosa commences on Monday 27 May. 
  • Mrs Nicole King will join the College for 12 months commencing at the start of Term Three to cover for Ms Hegney who is taking leave to work in the UK, we wish Ms Hegney all the best.
  • Mrs Mary Tiernery-Dusenberg will be leaving the College at the end of Term Two , we thank Mary for all she has done for the College and wish her all the best for the future. 

We welcome all new staff to the College and thank those who are leaving for all they have contributed to Salvado Catholic College.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
