Friends of Salvado

Mother's Day Raffle - THANK YOU 

Friends of Salvado would like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to the following local businesses who contributed towards our Mother's Day Raffle last week. We really appreciate your kind donations. And thanks again to Clare Fifield for gathering the raffle donations and putting together the three gorgeous prizes. 

  • Beauty Glow Byford 
  • Chezzabels Beauty Studio 
  • D.M.A Beauty & Make-up  
  • Emily's Massage Studio 
  • Eve & Willow 
  • Heavenly Scent Flowers Byford 
  • Lucinda's Everlastings 
  • Sugar Momster 

Winners of Mother's Day Raffle

Congratulations to our three winners of the Mother's Day Raffle!


1st Prize - Kate Hendriks

2nd Prize - Katie MacDonald-Walker

3rd Prize - Cheryl Liddelow


Entertainment book

You can still purchase an Entertainment Book, which will contribute funds towards the College. To order your book, please click