Education in Faith

Year 4 Eucharist
This term, the Year 4 students participated in the school sacramental program to prepare for Eucharist. During these sessions, students engaged in prayer experiences and listened to various scripture passages to deepen their understanding of ‘sharing a meal’ just as Jesus did. They explored concepts of transformation in everyday life and within the ‘Liturgy of the Eucharist’ as part of Mass. Students came to understand that through receiving the Eucharist, they are spiritually transformed and experience Jesus' true presence within themselves.
On Saturday, students celebrated the Sacrament of First Eucharist. It was a beautiful celebration and a great reflection of their preparation and learning over the past 5 weeks. The Year 4 students would like to extend their gratitude to Sarah, their teachers who helped them prepare for Mass and Father Anh and Brother Rhys who led both celebrations on Saturday.
Transformation in everyday life
Transformation in the Celebration of Mass
Spiritual Transformation
Rebecca, Ellen, Samantha and Daniel
Year 4 Teachers
Sacrament of Confirmation
Our celebration for the Sacrament of Confirmation is Saturday 15th June, 2024. There will be a celebration Mass at 12pm and 2:30pm.
Packs with information were sent home last week with our Confirmation candidates. Please remember to fill out your confirmation card and return it back to your child's homegroup teacher by this Friday.
This will be a night of fun and reflection as we learn more about Sacraments as a faith community.
Parish Masses
This week our Year 4 students will be attending Mass. This will be another opportunity for them to receive holy communion. Parents and friends are welcome to join us at 12pm.
Next Friday, 31st May, the Foundation students will be attending Mass.
Education in Faith Leader