Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
Congratulations to our Young Parishioners who celebrated their First Eucharist last Saturday.
Annual Report to the School Community
Our 2023 Annual Report to the School Community has been completed and approved by MACS. This report summarises our achievements from the 2023 School Year within each of the School Improvement Spheres. This report can be found on our school website in the Quick links.
Traffic Management
This week I met with the Senior Traffic Engineer from the City of Whittlesea to discuss an additional pedestrian crossing at the Greenfields Drive end of Farmhouse Blvd. The Council have agreed to additional study and analysis of pedestrian and traffic numbers in this area to assess the validity of this crossing.
During this study pedestrian and traffic numbers will all so be counted at our current crossings and at Creeds Farm Lane to determine the most effective locations of our crossings.
The council will also investigate speed deterrents in local streets and the addition of 'Left Turns Only' signage at the Redding Rise intersection during school times to increase safety and reduce congestion.
The most important thing we can do as community to improve safety and traffic congestion around our school is improve the behaviour of pedestrians and drivers. All families area asked to prioritise the safety of our students, model safe pedestrian behaviour and drive and park in a way that is considerate to others. Please use the marked or unmarked pedestrian crossings to cross the road. Do not cross between parked cars. Drivers must stay in their vehicle in the no parking 'Kiss and Drop' areas to ensure a smooth flow of traffic and reduce congestion. Please see the school community section of our newsletetr for more information.
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our children safe and being courteous to all members of our community.
Learning Conversations
Thank you for attending our mid year Learning Conversations. The Learning Conversations are an opportunity to discuss students learning progress and future learning goals. We will continue to share learning with families this term with our Progression Reports sent home in Week 10.
We look forward to meeting with more families today.