Year 5 News

From Natalie, Year 5 teacher


We have had an excellent start to the year and are settling in well. We are all getting back into the swing of things after a well-deserved break!


A big focus so far has been our NMPS RISE school values - Responsible, Inclusive, Sagacious and Ethical which we have been unpacking in our Wellbeing lessons. Teachers will nominate students who have demonstrated these values to receive a RISE award at senior assemblies.

Acknowledgement of Country 

Each class developed an Acknowledgement of Country which is read every day during our morning circle routine.



We have also commenced our Auslan lessons in the classroom with both teachers and students learning new signs. So far we have learnt some greetings, the alphabet and colours. You might like to ask your child to teach you some signs at home!


It has been a wonderful start to the year and we are looking forward to all of the new and exciting learning to come!