Ripper Families
We are very much looking forward to our annual Welcome Picnic which is being held on Tuesday the 20th of February from 5-7pm. This is always a fun event that provides an opportunity to catch up with friends old and new. It is also a fantastic way to welcome and get to know our new Foundation Families.
This year our wonderful Outside of School Hours Care provider, Their Care, is helping us with our fundraising by donating the sausages for our sausage sizzle. However, we still need parent volunteers to help with set up, the BBQ, the icy pole stand, the cupcake stall, and pack up.
If you are able to help on the evening, please sign up HERE.
All funds raised at this event will be going back to the children as we look to continue to upgrade our Indigenous Garden and also the Junior playground.
We look forward to seeing many of the amazing RPS community on the night to begin a wonderful 2024 year at RPS!
After all of the hard work and effort of the school community in raising funds year, we wanted to provide an update on the Junior playground.
We have started seeking community input and would still love people to add their ideas.
You can do so by clicking on this link
So far, we see that people are interested in a more natural and open-ended space with lots of sensory elements for our younger students to enjoy. With this in mind, our aim is to use some of our funds raised to engage a designer in the first half of next year to develop a plan for the space.
Once we have a design and plan confirmed by the students, teachers and parent community then we will continue to raise more funds so we can complete our chosen design. This may mean a staged approach so that we are working on the project over time in order to achieve our goal.
If anyone has any interest in this space, we welcome your thoughts and as always you can contact Natalie Rose or Tarryn Holland to discuss further.