Languages Faculty News

Lucie Dickens, Academic Dean of Languages 

Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition

We are extremely proud of all the Kilvington students who recently participated in the Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Competition. 


This year, 6007 students recited poems and 84 schools participated in this prestigious French poetry competition. 

We had 10 of our students selected as finalists and receive the mention of 'Brillant', having achieved a perfect score of 20/20! 








Poetry Recital Results:

MentionResult  /20 Kilvington results 
Brillant (Finaliste)2010 students 
Excellent19 -19.5 6 students
Très Bien – Very Good17 – 18.5 6 students
Bien – Good14 – 16.5 3 students 
Satisfaisant – at level10 – 13.51 student 
Participation  1 – 9.51 student
Absent (e)0 

All participants will be awarded certificates at assembly next term. Our 10 finalists are currently gearing up for the Finals, and we wish them the best of luck!


Here are the finalists:

  • Savannah Anderson - Year 3
  • Erika Xu - Year 3
  • Ramsurran Aryan - Year 3 
  • Korenko Layla - Year 5
  • Noah Ha - Year 5
  • Holly Krischock - Year 6
  • Kashish Kulkarni - Year 6
  • Chelsey Li - Year 6
  • Deeksha Chandra - Year 7
  • Stephanie Verginis - Year 8

A very big thank you to Mme Mullins and Mme Neale for encouraging and supporting their students throughout this experience.

Year 7 Japanese onigiri-making event

Asher Dean, Year 7

This semester, the Year 7 Japanese students have been working very hard on their hiragana characters and learning how to introduce themselves in Japanese. 

To celebrate our efforts, on 29 May, we got the opportunity to make おにぎり(onigiri), a traditional rice delicacy in 日本 (Japan). 


All the students involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and we thank Guyton せんせい(Sensei) and Pynt せんせい(Sensei) very much for organising this delicious activity!