From the Leadership Team

Matt Brinson, Head of Senior School 

Tolerance at School and the wider community

In our vibrant school community, diversity is celebrated in all its forms — cultural, religious, gender-related and familial. Each member contributes a unique tapestry of stories, traditions, and perspectives, enriching our collective experience. This diversity is a cornerstone of our strength, and embracing it is crucial for all.


Tolerance, at its core, entails respecting and appreciating the differences in others. It's about understanding that each person is unique, contributing to the richness of our lives. While we may not always agree with every belief or lifestyle, being open-minded allows us to show respect and kindness towards one another.


Young children naturally possess curiosity and openness. We encourage them to channel this curiosity into learning about their friends' diverse backgrounds and cultures. Above all, we emphasise the importance of kindness and respect as fundamental qualities of being a good friend.


As children mature, they gain the ability to influence the world around them. They're encouraged to lead by example, championing tolerance within our school community. By fostering an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and supported, we pave the way for all to thrive.







  • Creating a school environment where everyone feels safe and valued leads to better understanding and stronger friendships. 
  • A tolerant school community is less likely to experience bullying and conflict. When we respect each other, we are less likely to judge or hurt others. 
  • A diverse and tolerant classroom is a rich learning environment. Different perspectives can spark new ideas and ways of thinking. When students feel respected and accepted, they are more confident and engaged in their learning.
  • In our increasingly globalised world, tolerance allows us to thrive. Learning to live and work with people from different backgrounds prepares students for future success in a diverse society.
  • A tolerant and inclusive school environment contributes to the mental and emotional wellbeing of students. Feeling accepted and respected reduces stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation, leading to better overall health.


Our Character Program throughout the School aims to cultivate a positive and inclusive environment where all students can thrive. 


It encourages compassion, respect and tolerance for self and others. Junior School GEM Time, Senior School Mentor and House activities promote student belonging and acceptance across year levels. 


Our Languages Program Cultural Days provide opportunities to learn, respect and celebrate different cultures and traditions.


  • Take the time to listen to your classmates and understand their experiences. Respect their perspectives and show genuine interest in their stories.
  • Encourage peers in their challenges and celebrate their achievements, no matter how big or small.
  • Maintain a positive attitude, believing in your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
  • Reflect on your own beliefs and attitudes. Consider ways to be more open and accepting of others.

Tolerance isn't just about accepting differences— it's about celebrating them. Embracing diversity enriches our lives and strengthens the bonds of our community, creating a world where every individual is valued and cherished.