From the Deputy Principal

Graham Buxton

Starting with questions

It has been wonderful to see all of the children returning to our classrooms and settling in to some routines. The routine I most love seeing is the routine of children asking questions. This, at the core of it, is what learning is. Asking questions and finding the answers. Whether it’s new children asking where places are; continuing children asking our new children about themselves; children asking their teachers “how do I…”; or children asking “what will happen if I…” during play exploration, questions open the door to rich learning. 

At St Paul, our teachers plan for learning that will inspire questions and that will adapt to the questions children ask. Because of that, we can’t always provide a detailed overview of what we will be learning at every point of the year but if you have questions this year about what your child’s class is learning, I encourage you to check in with their teacher who can help give you more information.



NAPLAN will take place later this term for Year 3 and 5 children. Please speak with your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns in the lead up.

As with the 2023 NAPLAN testing, results will be reported differently than in the past, and as a result, 2024 test results will no longer be ‘directly compared with results from 2008 to 2022.’

At St Paul, NAPLAN is not information that greatly alters the way teachers plan, as this type of data is being constantly collected and reflected upon. NAPLAN in recent years has created much anxiety in children as the media has focused more and more on testing results. To support your child, we encourage you to not focus on NAPLAN where possible in conversation with your child. If it does arise, try to encourage them to try their best but also remember that NAPLAN is just one small part of their schooling journey. If your child is anxious about NAPLAN, please reach out to your child’s teacher or myself.



There will be a NAPLAN practice test on Tuesday Week 5 February 27.

The official NAPLAN testing will take place in Weeks 7 and 8 of this term. 

The NAPLAN test dates are below: 

  • Week 7 Wednesday March 13: Writing Test, Reading Test 
  • Week 7 Friday March 15: Conventions of Language Test, Mathematics Test

Make up test sessions are also scheduled for Week 8 Monday March 18, Wednesday March 20 and Friday March 22 for children who were absent or unable to complete a NAPLAN test on the original dates. 


If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please speak to your child’s teacher.