PFA News

Class Representative Coordinator Role

The PFA is seeking interested parent/s to join the committee in the Class Representative Coordinator role. The key activities for this position are:


- Recruit class reps for each grade and communicate relevant information to class reps to be shared with parents throughout the year 

- Oversee Class Rep run activities for the year (each grade is allocated an event per year, e.g. Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls), this involves briefing class reps on the activity they will have responsibility for  

Class Representatives are a shared role, usually 2 parents per grade, who communicate key information to parents via a WhatsApp group and are a key contact for parents in that grade for any queries. 

In addition, class reps for each grade coordinate/oversee one event with the help of other parents in that grade; this includes:

- Prep: Prep Parents Information Event/Dinner to welcome the following years prep families

- Grades 1/2: Mothers Day Stall and Fathers Day Stall

- Grades 3/4: Fathers Day Social Event

- Grades 5/6: Grandparents & Special Friends Event and Grade 6 Graduation Dinner

Parents who are interested in joining the PFA as a Class Rep Coordinator, or becoming a class rep for their child's grade, can contact Linnea Reddie ( or Angela Southwood ( with any queries or to express their interest. 


Volunteers for School Tuckshop needed

The school tuckshop will open next week, Wednesday 7th February, and we are seeking volunteers each Wednesday to help.

Helpers are needed in the morning from 10.50am to 11.45am. No cooking is required, just assisting with over the counter service, set up/pack up.  For any parents who haven't previously volunteered, rest assured that clear instructions will be shared with you to assist.  

Please remember to have your Working With Children Check on you when volunteering (you can apply via this link if you don't have a current WWCC -

Please click on the link below to add your name onto the roster for Term 1.

SignUp Tuckshop Volunteer