Year 3/4 Report

Welcome back to another exciting term of learning in 3/4 at Aberfeldie Primary School! We hope you and your families had a restful break and are ready to dive into a new term filled with learning!
Learning to Learn:
This term, we made a strong start with Learning to Learn which is all about building routines and establishing a strong classroom culture. Establishing strong routines helps to create a structured environment where every child feels supported and encouraged to thrive.
New English Block: Matilda Novel Study:
We're thrilled to announce that our English curriculum this term will feature a captivating novel study of Roald Dahl's beloved classic, "Matilda." Through exploring Matilda's world, students will not only enhance their reading comprehension, it will also provide opportunities to explore spelling, grammar and syntax skills and embed these skills when writing our own narrative and persuasive texts.
In mathematics, students have been exploring place value in a variety of hands-on tasks. A strong understanding of place value is imperative to the four processes and will help students to confidently apply mental strategies, check accuracy and effectively problem solve.
Home Ready to Start Soon:
In the coming weeks, we will be introducing home reading. Supporting your child to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each night will help reinforce the concepts covered in class and extend their learning beyond the classroom.