Year 1/2 Report

This term in Inquiry, 1/2 students will be studying the central idea that “Everyone has the right to be included”. 

Across the term students will investigate diversity and individuality, with a focus on understanding that differences among individuals are valuable. 

They will develop an appreciation for the uniqueness of themselves and others and develop the skills to include and show empathy for those who sound, look and act differently to themselves. 

This inquiry unit will aim to guide students to reflect on their lives and how they can be more inclusive in their day to day interactions, whether it be asking other children to play, recognising that people have different cultural beliefs and that others can look and speak differently to them. 

This focus will also be reflected in our literacy program, where quality texts and discussions will continue to reflect and deepen this learning. We are looking forward to a great year ahead filled with learning, fun and excitement for all.

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