School Captain Report

Hi we’re the school captains of 2024 our names are Jasmine Doran, Ryder Watts, Asher Carson and Harper Goddard.
Last week during our assembly we had a report from Performing Arts. We are so excited to announce the very beginning of Performing Arts at Aberfeldie Primary School with Mrs Caffari. We are all so happy about this!
This term, from grades prep to 6, we are all focusing on DRAMA and it’s already been so much fun!! We are learning to show emotion by using our faces and bodies in creative ways, telling stories, drama theatre games and improvising. We are learning about the elements of drama and also learning to perform in front of each other. Thanks to Mrs Caffari for making Performing Arts lessons so fun.
Adding Performing Arts to our school is introducing more variety to our learning curriculum.
We had Marie, Kaden & Bailey from 1/2A talking about books they are writing about themselves, we heard Bailey read a book about himself.
We had Emily I, Martha, Naksh, Maddie, Charlie, Olivia from 3/4A talking about their learning, where they are focusing on the novel, Matilda. Each day they explore the text through a daily review and literacy block.
Finally we heard from Mia, Rei, Charlie and Abby Mia from 5/6A where they spoke about Gala day and their novel that they are reading within the classroom.