
2024 Class Structures & Staff Roles
In order to cater to the needs of all individual students and deliver a high-quality and evidence-based teaching & learning program, St Mary’s will be running a combined F-6 classroom in 2024. The combined classroom will have the benefit of three and four adults working with the students at any given time, creating a ratio of 1:4 and 1:5 for Literacy and Mathematics. Staff have attended schools with combined classes and continue to embrace this positive news. All educators will continue to be involved in regular professional development to aid their ability to differentiate to each child’s learning needs.
2024 Classes:
- Miss Tayla Fenwick and Ibu Cath Williams (F-6)
2024 Staff:
- Mr Stephen O’Shannessy: Principal, Learner Diversity, Religious Education Leader and Curriculum Leader
- Ibu Cath Williams: Grade F-6 Classroom & Indonesian Teacher and Pastoral Wellbeing Leader
- Miss Tayla Fenwick: Foundation - Grade F-6 Classroom & Sports Coordinator
- Mrs Carly Bannan: Performing and Visual Arts Teacher and Leadership Release Teacher
- Mrs Franceen Innes: Learning Support Officer and Pastoral & Wellbeing Support (Chaplain)
- Mrs Adele George: Learning Support Officer
- Mrs Sandra Coffey: Office Administrator
School Hours and Community Reading
Community Reading will no longer take place before school. Community Reading has been a successful initiative, ensuring every student is reading every day and building parent partnerships. Now that this goal has been achieved, we look forward to new initiatives that are in line with our School Improvement Plan 2024-2027. As an administrator, I aim to ensure a balanced workload for staff, as the new New Enterprise Agreement has placed guidelines on the teacher’s 38-hour working week, also making this decision a practical one in terms of staff operations.
Students can still be dropped off at school after 8.30 am, where they will be supervised. We kindly request that students refrain from arriving on the premises before this time.
PAM Updates
A notification was sent out to all families to update their profiles. If you have not already done so, please log in to your PAM accounts and make sure all your information is up to date.
Parent Information Evening and Community BBQ