Students of the Week

Term 1 - Weeks 3 & 4
Week 3
Jeremy C - Congratulations on a fantastic start to Foundation Jeremy! You are already a superstar student, always listening and trying your best at everything you do! I can tell you are going to have a great first year at school!
Madeleine E - Congratulations Madeleine for a sensational start to your Primary School journey. You've seamlessly settled into school routines and approached each task with enthusiasm and dedication. Well done superstar!
Easton P - For you wonderful energy that you bring to school each day. Easton, you are a ray of sunshine in our Foundation classroom and FZ is so lucky to have you in their class!
Harry O - You are a super star! It has been great to see you focused on your learning and producing work that you should be proud of. You have been a Maths whizz this week…Well done legend!
Lachlan B - Lachlan, I have been so impressed with your efforts in spelling this week. You are a superstar!
Harper Mc - We are fortunate to have this wonderful person in our class. They are kind, polite and an absolute superstar at completing their work to a high standard.
Sunday S-C - For the perseverance and positive attitude you demonstrate in all of your classwork. Your sensory writing this week was amazing!!
Anthony C - Anthony, you are a thoughtful and kind student who goes above and beyond to help your friends. We're lucky to have you in 2W, keep up amazing work!
Eva O - Eva, you set a shining example to those around you with your conscientious approach to all your learning tasks. You love a challenge and are always happy to help anyone when needed. Thank you for helping to make our grade a fabulous place to be!
Evan T - Evan, you have had a wonderful start to the year! I have been so impressed with the way you are engaged in every lesson, trying your best and showing respect to others. Great job, superstar!
Scarlett R - For being such a kind and hardworking member of our classroom. Your enthusiasm for learning is contagious and we are so lucky to have you in our class!
Neve P - Neve, you have had a fantastic start at Monty PS! We are so happy to have your bright, bubbly personality in our class!
Adelie W - Adelie, Thank you for bringing your love of learning to the classroom. Your interest, engagement in, and enthusiasm about the world is infectious! Keep up the great work.
Annie B - For your diligent efforts and unwavering determination. 5/6B is lucky to have you.
Noah K-B - For your curiosity and compassion for world knowledge. Your engagement this week during the learning of Phormes was remarkable.
Mason B - Are you a carpenter? Because you are nailing your start to Grade 6 and hammering all the work! Great effort, Mason! I love the way you are engaged and participating in every session!
Sonny Wood-Sharples - For bringing your 'have a go' attitude to class. Well done on showing resilience and persistence for the start of this year!
Harry D - Harry, congratulations on your contribution and willingness to question, reflect and contemplate ideas and language during our Literacy and Well Being sessions. Your wisdom and thoughtfulness are remarkable What a privilege it is to have you in our class, to learn from and with.
Week 4
Ari K - What a fantastic start to Foundation you have had Ari. You try your best on all tasks, you always ask for help when you need it and you come to school with a smile on your face each day! I love that you always share new words, or even a list that begins with the sounds we have been learning. You are off to a flying start Ari! Congratulations!
Oscar M - Congratulations Oscar, you have made a sensational start to Foundation. You show great kindness to your classmates and are always trying your best at all tasks. You are a wonderful role model in Foundation J!
Inez C - This little superstar has been waiting for her turn to be big Monty kid and now that she is here she is shining very brightly. Inez, Foundation Z are so lucky to have you in their class!
Phoenix J - Congratulations Phoenix - you are a superstar! You are always eager to learn and share your knowledge with your peers. Thank you for setting such a great example for your classmates. Well done legend!
Olivia P - You have done an incredible job setttling into all of our new routines at Monty. Your bright and bubbly smile lightens up our classroom and you have shown a wonderful attitude by having a go at every new task. Well done superstar!
Lila C - For setting an outstanding example for your peers, your dedication to learning, and your willingness to help others!
Max M - For being an excellent role model for your peers. Thank you for being a kind, motivated student who always smiles and tries their very best. You are an amazing person and 2L are blessed to have you!
Lily A - Well done Lily, for having such a positive attitude towards your learning. You are always ready to learn and take your time to complete activities to the best of your ability. Keep up the great work!
Lim P - Liam, you have settled into Grade 4 seamlessly. You are demonstrating courage and curiosity each day and trying your best in all areas of your learning. Well done!
Kiera M - Kiera, congratulations on such a terrific start to the year. You have been working so hard on all tasks and trying your best, even when you come up against challenges. It has been great to see your enthusiasm for your learning and I'm looking forward to a great 2024! Thanks for being such a positive member of our classroom. Keep it up!
Ella B - For being such a positive energy in our classroom. Your can-do attitude and the compassion you show towards each of your peers makes you a valuable member of our class!
Luke De I - For your positivity and commitment to everything you do! You are a kind friend to everyone, and we love having you in 3/4M! Well done, Luke!
Harry S - Harry, thank you for your unwavering care this week. Your willingness to lend a helping hand to setup the classroom was greatly appreciated. Keep up the amazing work!
Arjan S - What an outstanding start you have had to the school year, Arjan. From the moment you stepped into 5/6B, you have exhibited a remarkable level of maturity and adaptability. Your calm and composed demeanour have not only contributed to your own success but have also had a positive influence on your peers. One of your most admirable qualities is your eagerness to assist classmates and teachers. Whether it's offering a helping hand with class assignments or supporting a friend in need, you can always be counted on to step up and make a difference. Keep up the great work!
Hamish M - For showing great leadership and exceptional kitchen skills whilst making gnocchi in SAKG class this week.
Indigo C - Need hard work done? Indigo can. Need a laugh? Indigo can. Need a pick me up? Indigo can. Need an answer? Indigo can. Well done on a great start to Grade 6, Indigo Cam!
Harper N - For coming to school every day with a positive and enthusiastic attitude! I have loved seeing your confidence grow as the weeks have gone on!
Charlotte P - What a wonderful start you have made to Grade 5. Your effort and focus in class is outstanding. Your thoughtfulness in helping your teachers and peers, demonstrates your character and maturity. Your confidence and willingness to push yourself out of your comfort zone is continuing to flourish. You have so much to offer your class and we look forward to hearing many more responses and thoughts from you throughout the year.