Leadership @ MPS

Fundraising Update for Grade 6 Camp
Our new kitchen in the Discovery Centre has certainly been put to good use this week by our Year 5/6 students who have been busy making delicious gnocchi and homemade tomato sauce. These sessions have been run by the parents one of our new Year 5 students. Michael (pictured) and Sara are chefs who have volunteered their time and expertise to help the fundraising efforts for Year 6 camp.
We are expecting roughly a $1,000 profit from the sales of the gnocchi and sauce - a massive achievement!
As well as this, Zooper Dooper sales each Friday have been very successful. The line to buy one often stretches from in front of the office all the way back to the old assembly area! As of Thursday, 22nd of February over 600 have been sold.
We thank the MPS community for continually supporting the school and our Year 6 camp program.
School Council Update
The makeup of our 2024/2025 School Council has now been finalised. The 3 advertised vacancies have been filled with the 3 nominations that were received. We warmly welcome Catherine Stamboulakis, mother or Penelope (3/4C) and Phoebe Molan (3/4A), Brett Hayes, father of Harriet Hayes (1M) as well as welcoming back Amy Barclay, mother of Caitlin Cowap (5/6B).
Our first get together for the year will be held on Tuesday, 12th March, where we will thank our outgoing councillors, sign off on 2023 business, hold the 2024 Annual General Meeting and then host the first meeting of the year.
Links to videos
Our teaching staff put together some valuable information videos that were sent out earlier in the year. These contained important information relating to curriculum, student and carer expectations as well as important dates. For those of you who may have missed this essential viewing, they can be seen below.
Interschool Sport - Exciting Announcement for 2024!
Over several months now Mrs Costa has been involved in some very significant decision making for our school community. Currently, MPS is a part of the Montmorency District School Sports Association (MDSSA). We have been competing against schools in Interschool Sport, including Sherbourne, Montmorency South, Briar Hill, Holy Trinity and St Francis Xavier. Our student numbers have been steadily increasing over the years which is fantastic for our school. However, it has also meant for activities such as Interschool Sport, we have had to sideline entire cohorts like our year 5 students. In comparison to smaller schools like Sherbourne our numbers in year 5/6 are just far too big to play everyone.
The working party have been very busy behind the scenes with the MDSSA, the Eltham District School Sports Association (EDSSA) and School Sport Victoria to create a new and improved restructure of all the districts. This has not been an easy process, with 14 schools involved and often, many differing points of view. Factors such as; overall student numbers, differing bell times and timetables, staff numbers, bus and venue availabilities and travel distance etc. all fed into the countless discussions. Our key driving point was that we wanted to ‘maximise opportunities for all students’ and to to provide inclusive and accessible participation with competitive opportunities for all students. A way forward has been decided and in 2024 the below option will be implemented.
Montmorency/Eltham District 1 | Montmorency/Eltham District 2 |
Montmorency South PS | Our Ladies of Hope |
Eltham East PS | Briar Hill PS |
Eltham North PS | Research PS |
Montmorency PS | Eltham College |
Holy Trinity | Sherbourne PS |
Eltham PS | Lower Plenty PS |
St Francis Xavier |
This is a brilliant result for Montmorency Primary School!
Competing against schools with large numbers will allow our students more opportunities, including playing our Year 5's in teams as well as 6's for Interschool Sport on a Friday. There are still some minor details to fine tune and further meetings to be held where decisions such as what sports will be played, times, venues, make up at district carnivals etc. will be made.
Once all decisions have been made at the next couple of meetings, Mrs Costa will be contacting all year 5/6 families regarding ISS for 2024, so stay tuned! This is a very exciting chapter for MPS and we are thrilled to be able to implement this new structure in 2024.
Building Update
The renovation of the new staffroom (our old hall) is nearly complete. We are expecting final handover late next week. The staff love the influx of natural light, the midnight blue kitchen and the plans to have a roll in/roll out table tennis table! Although we were promised an outcome of our funding application to help cover the extensive cost of the booster pump late last week, we are still waiting to hear the outcome from the VSBA. The final steps will be to reinstate our SAKG garden and a new front entrance from Rattray Road.
Save the date - Comedy Night 14 June (Term 2)
This year we will see the return to Petrie Park Hall for something even more exciting than a Trivia Night- a Comedy Night! One of our wonderful parents, Chloe Jeffers, has managed to secure a lineup of comedians to entertain our parent/friend community! We hope to make this event a solid fundraiser through a silent auction, ticket sales etc. We will require many helpers- eg organising ticket sales, decorations, set up, donations, beverages etc.
Please keep your eye out for further information but in the meantime, save the date!
School Tours
We have our school tours for prospective families for 2025 now scheduled for Terms 1 and 2. Bookings can be made on our website under the 'Book a Tour' banner for the following days:
Wednesday, 6th of March
Wednesday, 20th of March
Wednesday, 24th of April
Friday, 3rd of May
Tuesday, 28th of May
Wednesday, 12th of June
*ALL tours commence at 9:30am
Have a great weekend!
The Leadership Team