From the Principal's Desk

Welcome Back
This week our new Year Preps commenced their schooling and we welcomed back our Year 1/2 children.
We couldn't be prouder of the way they have settled into school routines. Well done to all!
Big Brekky
This year's Big Brekky (Welcome Breakfast) will be held on Friday 16th February commencing at 8:00 am.
All families are welcome to join us for breakfast in the central courtyard and feast upon a range of pastries, fruit, sausages, juice, tea and coffee (a Coffee Van will be on-site).
It will be a time to catch up, meet new people and just enjoy the new year.
We hope to see you all there!
It's a Girl
A belated congratulations to the Ilic Family on the birth of Nikolina sister to Lara (Year 6 and Lina Year 2) and the Pham family on the birth of Cassandra, sister to Alicia (Year 3) and Ethan ( Year 1). Both babies were born late last year.
Beginning of the School Year Mass
We will celebrate our Beginning of the School Year Mass this Friday, 9th February commencing at 9:15 am. There won't be much room but families are welcome to attend.
Early Finish Time on Fridays
Please remember that school will finish at
3:15 pm on Fridays.
Our afterschool care service is available through OSHClub so please register via
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones have become an important and invaluable part of our modern lifestyle and as such, we seem to have more and more children bringing mobile phones to school each year. We understand that there are times when possession of a mobile phone can provide a sense of safety and security while traveling to and from school, so we need to put in procedures and processes to maintain a safe learning environment.
In general, students should not bring valuable items to school – as they can be easily lost or stolen, which is often distressing for a child. However, if a mobile phone is required for the reasons of safety for traveling to and from school children are expected to hand in the phone to the School Office upon arrival to school for safekeeping until the end of the school day. Please note that this also includes wearable devices that possess text/call/video/mobile data/capabilities.
Adventure Playground
A reminder that NO CHILD should be playing on the Adventure Playground before or after school including toddlers.
I ask that all families support us in keeping all children in our community safe.
Sharing of Food
It is important to remind all children and families that at no time should children be sharing food with other children during eating times. We have several children with food allergies so, for the safety of all, we ask all families to reiterate the importance, with their children, of not sharing food with others.
Throughout the year, children may bring lolly bags to school to share with their classmates to celebrate their birthdays; however, we ask that these be distributed by the class teacher at home time and are only eaten with the permission of parents. Children with allergies are requested to bring along a 'treat box' to assist with such times.
Please do not bring cakes or biscuits to school.
School Fees
Invoices for Fees and Levies for 2024 have been emailed to all families .
It is important that all families be prepared to meet this financial commitment.
Our policy, in keeping with that of Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS), recognises that some families face difficulties or financial hardship. Fee concession may be given to families of students experiencing financial hardship, who would otherwise be impeded from receiving a Catholic education. It acknowledges the need for families to meet their school fee obligations according to their capacity to pay while providing a consistent approach to school fee concessions across all MACS primary schools. Our Concessional Fee application form can be accessed below and is to be completed and forwarded to the office as soon as possible -
Our Fee and Levy Structure for 2024 is as follows:
Family Fee
Term 1 Instalment: $525.00 due by 28th March 2024
Term 2 Instalment: $525.00 due by 28th June 2024
Term 3 Instalment: $525.00 due by 20th September 2024
Curriculum Levy
$560 payable before 29th February 2024
Capital Levy
$120 payable by 28th June 2024
Alternatively, you may wish to set up periodical payments through your bank account with the TOTAL payable by 20th September 2024.
Payments can be made to:
BSB: 083 347
Account Number: 488033614
Please reference your family name or ID number with your payment.
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
A reminder that families who hold a valid Health Care Card for the 2024 year can receive a government rebate through the Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) which is currently set at $150 per primary-aged child.
Applications for the CSEF can be collected from the school office or accessed below. Families MUST submit these to the school office by 28th June.
Toys and Valuables
A reminder to all families that toys and valuables should not be brought to school as we can't ensure the same level of supervision in the home would apply at school.
Exceptions occur if the item is needed to assist with 'show and tell' in which case it would be best to discuss with the class teacher.
Please note that it is a requirement that parents notify the school (preferably in writing) of all instances when their child may be absent for all or part of a day. This can be done by emailing (or writing to) your child's teacher or contacting the school office.
When notifying, please notify us of absences prior to 9:00 am and remember to include the reason.
Even simpler, absences can be reported via our school app.
School App
A reminder to everyone to download our school app!
As well as Absentee Notifications, Communications, Calendar, and general updates, are all available via the app so it's definitely a 'must-have'.
Simply visit Google Play or the App Store and search for our school name.
Have a wonderful week.
God bless
Anthony Hyde