From the 3/4 Classrooms

We have only been at school for 8 days and each class in Team 3/4 is settling into new routines and getting to know each other.
Through the activities in the whole school Start Up program, reading, writing and maths students are engaged in classroom conversations, they are sharing ideas and already supporting each other in their learning.
One of the most important activities that we do at the start of each year is part of our whole school Start Up program. As a grade, students and teachers decide on agreed classroom rules that focus on three rights:
- We all have the right to learn
- We all have the right to feel safe
- We all have the right to be treated with respect.
These are still being worked on and they will be shared with you at the Open Classrooms afternoon on Thursday 22nd February.
As a part of this program, each class has also brainstormed what an effective learner looks like, sounds like, and feels. It is wonderful to know that all students recognise and understand what it takes to be a great learner, which is evidenced by the work completed below.
In writing we have been re-introducing “The Six Traits of Writing” using the text, Jetty Jumping by Andrea Rowe. The six traits are Ideas, Organisation, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions.
Students have made connections to the text as it has reminded them of their holidays or times when they have been scared to do something or times when they have shown kindness and patience with friends. These classroom conversations have led to a myriad of ideas, words and sentences that might one day be the next phenomenal stories that everyone wants to read like Harry Potter!
It is exciting to think what they year ahead will bring …
In maths, we have been getting to know each other by collecting data and constructing data displays, including tables, column graphs and picture graphs.
Each class has created a Birthday graph and a House graph! We know when each other’s birthdays are and which house we are all in. No graph is evenly distributed as some months have 5 or 6 birthdays and other months have none; and classes cannot evenly be divided into house colours!
It has been a great start to the year, and we look forward to sharing what is happening in the 3/4 classrooms in each newsletter.
Sarah Amiconi, Jemmah Kelly, Julie Tainsh, Lyndsey Thwaites and Jane Xie