Performing Arts

Hello everyone! My name is Zoe, and I'm the new Performing Arts teacher at BPPS.
I'm very excited to be working here, and I am looking forward to be teaching Music, Dance and Drama to our students at BPPS.
Students will focus on one aspect of Performing Arts every term. The following are a rough summary of what each year level will be exploring in Term One:
This term, Foundation and year 1 students will be learning about Dance.
Their will learn about the elements of Dance, explore how to use different body parts to dance, and learn and perform a short dance.
The focus for this term is Dance. Students will create and improvise dances based on stories/word/object prompts, create a dance diary and also engage in various dance games.
YEAR 3/4
Students will be learning about Drama. They will investigate and practice drama from different cultures and times, and learn about the elements of Drama, with focus on voice and language.
YEAR 5/6
The focus for year 5/6 are on Music. Students will spend the first half of the term learning and exploring the elements of Music, and the second half will be learning how to play and perform songs on the ukulele.