
Bonjour et bienvenue à BPPS 2024!
This term students in all levels will be learning and revising greetings so that they can say some basic French phrases with correct pronunciation and intonation. Phrases such as:
-Bonjour, je m'appelle...
-Comment t'appelles-tu?,
-Quel âge as-tu?
-Comment ça va?
-Ça va bien merci!
Can you and your families remember these?
Google Translate can help and you can have fun practising at home!
This term in French:
-Foundation students will be listening and practicing greetings through a song called "Bonjour mes amis" and also listening and practising numbers from 0-12.
-Grade 1 and 2 will be exploring vocabulary relating to family through Alain Le Lait's song "Ma Famille". It is a favourite song at BPPS as it has very entertaining visuals and a very catchy tune.
-Grade 3 and 4 will explore the topic of community by looking at French vocabulary relating to towns and special places like a pâtisserie, fromagerie and boulangerie.
-Grade 5 and 6 will also be looking at places in their community through vocabulary from Languagenut and a song entitled "Quand je vais à l'école".
Activities for these topics can be found on Seesaw and students' work will be posted there as they progress with their learning of French.
À la prochaine
(Till next time)
Madame Higgins