School Council Nominations 2024

Tarneit Senior College School Council elections will be held early this term. I encourage all parents and carers, students, and staff to carefully consider how they can best contribute to and support the continued growth and development of Tarneit Senior College and in doing so to consider the possibility of nominating for election to the Tarneit Senior College Council. The College Council is a legally formed body with the power to set key directions for Tarneit Senior College within centrally provided guidelines and frameworks. In doing this, the College Council is able to directly influence the quality of education to school provides to its students.


I would like to thank the retiring members of the Council for their support of the College over their tenure and the energy and effort they put into the improvement of Tarneit Senior College and in securing the best educational outcomes for our students. Councillors who remain as Department of Education employees, as students, or as parents of the College are welcome to stand for re-election. 


Thank you to our retiring parent members: Mr Sanam Makadia and Ms Angela Smith. I would like to acknowledge and thank Anegla for her term as Vice President. Thank you also to our retiring student member Rija Saeed and to the school employee representatives for their contribution to Council: Mrs Carly Marriner.


There will be one (1) vacancy on College Council for school employee members and one (1) vacancy for parent members for a two-year term commencing in March 2024 to February 2026. There is a further one (1) parent vacancy and one (1) vacancy for a student representative for a one-year term, March 2024-February 2025. We seek interest for a total of (2) parents for College council membership. 


All parents/guardians of students at Tarneit Senior College are eligible to vote for parent members. All students are eligible to vote for student members. Persons who are employed by Tarneit Senior College are eligible to vote for school employee positions at the election. The newly formed Council will determine the co-option of community members and casual vacancies at the March meeting. 


The following timeline will apply to the conduct of the election:

Monday 12 February 2024Nominations for vacant positions open
Wednesday 21 February 2024Nominations close
Wednesday 28 February 2024

List of candidates and nominators posted

Ballot papers distributed

Tuesday 12 March 2024Ballot closes
Friday 15 March 2024Declaration of Poll.


Nomination forms can be obtained from the Administration Office during normal office hours.

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