Education in Faith

3rd Sunday of Advent - Year C
Gospel: Luke 3:10-18
This Sunday’s Gospel reading invites us to reflect on John the Baptist’s call for repentance and the coming of the Messiah. John’s message is one of profound transformation, urging his listeners to “prepare the way of the Lord” (Luke 3:4). But his call is not merely about outward actions or ceremonies; it is about a complete change of heart, rooted in justice, kindness, and humility. He tells the crowds that repentance isn’t about just being sorry for sins but about living out a life that reflects God's mercy and justice.
When John addresses the crowds, he points out the tangible ways they can demonstrate their repentance: sharing with those in need, being honest in their dealings, and practicing fairness. The people’s curiosity about who John is reveals the anticipation of the Messiah, and John clarifies that he is not the one, but only the forerunner who prepares the way for Jesus.
In a time when many people were waiting for a political and military deliverer, John directs them toward a spiritual renewal that changes hearts and lives. His message echoes the deeper truth that salvation is not about external power or revolution, but about a profound transformation from within.
As we journey through Advent, John the Baptist’s call for repentance challenges us to look inwardly at our own lives. Are we preparing for Christ’s coming with hearts of mercy and justice, or are we caught in superficial expectations?
Key Concepts:
Repentance and Transformation: True repentance is about a change in our behaviour, turning away from selfishness and embracing selflessness.
Social Justice: John calls people to act with fairness, sharing their resources and not taking advantage of others.
Expectation of the Messiah: John prepares the people not just for the birth of Jesus but for his message of radical love and redemption.
Personal Reflection and Change: Advent is a time to examine our own lives and ask how we can better align ourselves with the teachings of Christ.
In the Gospel, John the Baptist says, “The one who is more powerful than I is coming.” How do you prepare for the coming of Jesus, not just at Christmas but in your everyday life?
John addresses different groups: the crowds, tax collectors, and soldiers. What do these groups represent in our modern world? How does John’s message of justice and mercy speak to those in different stations of life today?
Advent is a time of waiting. What are we waiting for in our lives? How can we use this time to actively prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming?
John the Baptist focuses on internal transformation over external appearances. How can we focus more on spiritual growth and renewal rather than material or outward displays during this Advent season?
Discussion Starters:
- What does repentance mean to you personally?
- How can we move beyond simply feeling sorry for our sins to making real, lasting changes in our lives?
- John the Baptist encourages people to share with those in need. How do we live out this call-in today’s society, especially in a time of economic disparity?
Closing Prayer:
Lord, as we continue this Advent journey, help us to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Teach us to live lives of mercy, justice, and compassion. May we not just await His birth, but reflect on how His love calls us to be transformed, so that we may share in His joy and peace. Amen.
Sacramental Events and Dates - 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,
Please take note of the important dates for our Sacramental celebrations that will take place in 2025. Sacraments play a significant role in the spiritual journey of our students and we need to ensure that you are well-informed and can actively participate in these meaningful events. Kindly mark the following dates in your calendar:
Parents please ACCEPT or DECLINE an invitation by Friday 6th December.
Dates for Sacraments are:
Grade 2 will receive First Reconciliation in Term 4 on Thursday, 20th November 2025.
Grade 3 will receive First Eucharist in Term 2 on Saturday, 21st June 2025.
- Grade 6 will receive Confirmation – Term 3 on Saturday, 6th September 2025.
Reconciliation: baptised Catholics in Year 2.
Eucharist: baptised Catholics in Year 3 or who have celebrated their Reconciliation.
Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.
If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please feel free to contact me at the school.
News from St. Kevin’s Parish
Children's Catechism and Junior Youth Formation - 15th & 22nd December
Time: 12.15 pm -1 pm.
God Bless
Rozeta Ambrose
Religious Education Leader
A big thank you to our SFS Community! We have managed to put together 19 hampers. One from each home group and two that our staff put together. The Hampton Park SVDP Conference will be here on Monday to collect the hampers and will then organise to hand them out to families within our community. Mini Vinnies will be busy on Monday helping to load the hampers into cars.
SFS also donated many presents. Some will go to the Vinnies South Eastern Soupvan and I will deliver them on Monday to the Soupvan. The presents will then be given out to children on our various runs during the week. The Cranbourne SVDP Conference will then collect the remainder of the presents on Monday to hand out to children within our community.
Thank you for your support with our Christmas Appeal! Mini Vinnies have worked hard to run the Christmas Appeal. And it’s great to know that we are helping so many people to celebrate Christmas through our donations. A big thanks also to our Mini Vinnies. I hope they realise the huge difference they have made to many people’s lives through their commitment and actions this year. I am very proud of them. Thank you Mini Vinnies!
Final points will be announced next week when the Community Spirit Shield is presented to our winning house. Who will win the shield this year?
Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies