From the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome back! It was nice to hear the chatter and laughter of students filling the halls again this week as we all got back to work. I am incredibly excited for this coming year with a clear improvement path to support your child's learning. Our staff have worked hard during term 4 and over the holidays to ensure we are ready to go and we certainly are!
The first 2 weeks of our year set the scene for the year ahead. Our “Head Start” program has been designed to set our students up for success for the year by going over expectations, discussing what good learners do, and building a connection with the members of the class. 2025 promises to be a pivotal year for our school and I look forward to our students thriving and sharing their skills and knowledge with you.
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to remind yourself of our Privacy Collection Statement, found on our website. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy .
To kick off the new year and have our community come together for some fun, we are introducing a new event, the Pegasus Family Fun Night. I don't want to give away all the details too soon, other than to say "Please save the date for the afternoon/evening of Monday, February 17th". This will be a fantastic event and your kids will love it!
Last year school council approved an update to our uniform policy. This update included 2 new items:
Navy leggings
Navy sports shorts
These 2 additions were due to student interest and trends we had noticed in the school grounds. Students were already wearing leggings, whilst some were wearing navy sports shorts with logos (SSV, Adidas, Nike etc). The new additions to the uniform list do not have a logo and as such the leggings can be purchased anywhere, as long as they are navy. The navy sports shorts will very soon be available at Klad Sport with a price of $27.
Staff will be notifying parents if their child attends school out of uniform, we request your support in making sure students attend school in the correct attire.
With the new school year, we welcome new staff. This year we welcome 6 new staff to our Pegasus Family:
Neil B- Student Wellbeing Advisor
Ashlea B- Education Support
Mikayla H- Grade 2 teacher
Ashley S- Prep teacher
Makaela E- Education Support
Samuel V- Education Support
Starting from Monday, we will return to our regular morning drop-off procedures. Parents should drop students off at the school gates. Parents are not to enter the school grounds or buildings in the morning unless they are going to the office to speak with admin staff and they should do this through the front entrance on Bellfield Drive. Students can often be concerned when they see unknown adults on school grounds. By entering through the front entrance you will be able to have your questions answered by the office staff or make an appointment to see someone. Any adult on school grounds should have signed in and be wearing a lanyard, unless it is after 3:20 pm and they are arriving to pick up their child.
Before school is not a good time to chat with teachers, please forward a message to your child's teacher via Compass should you wish to discuss something with them.
We will have a slightly different procedure next week when our prep students start school. On the preps first day of school (Thursday 6th Feb), we encourage parents to walk their child to the back of the school and then accompany them into the classroom for first-day photos etc. As soon as possible we ask that parents say goodbye and leave as the longer they stay the more challenging it is for children to say goodbye.
After the first day, prep students will meet their teachers at the front of the school in the following locations:
Prep A and Prep S- please meet on the grass near the STEM room
Prep B and Prep C- please meet on the ramps at the front office
Parents are welcome to enter the school grounds from 3:20 pm in order to pick children up after school.
The staff of Lysterfield PS would like to invite all parents to the 2025 Meet the Teacher Sessions. Meet the Teacher sessions will be conducted on Tuesday 25th February from 3.50pm – 6.30pm and Wednesday 26th February from 3.50pm – 6.30pm. Parents with students in 6H, 5HA and 3RH should note that their sessions will be held on February 12th and 13th due to teacher availability. Bookings will open on Friday 7th February and close on Friday 21st February.
The Meet the Teacher sessions will provide you with an opportunity to:
● Meet your child’s 2025 teacher/s.
● Pass on vital information about your child to the classroom teacher.
The meeting will provide the teacher with an opportunity to:
● Introduce themselves to you.
● Learn more about your child through discussion.
This is your opportunity to share about your child, not for the teacher to update you on their progress. The 10-minute sessions, conducted in person, are considered a vital part of the home-school partnership and as such, we encourage all parents to take advantage of this opportunity. Children are not required to attend these meetings.
Prep parents do not need to book these meetings as they Meet the Teacher on the day of their child’s prep interview.
Every year at the start of the year we remind parents and carers about the parking arrangements around our school. There are 2 “Drop and Go” parking zones for morning drop off. These are to be used for quick drops, with no standing for more than 2 minutes. Parents should note that all parking on Bellfield Drive is now 2 minute parking in the morning.
Cars should pull into the furthest available space, allow your child/ren to alight from the curb side of the car and then continue driving out along the road in the same direction. This is designed to be quick and aid in a smooth and safe drop-off zone for all children. By following the flow of the arrows, we can work together to ensure the safety of all children. The same flow should be followed for the Lakesfield Drive “Drop and Go” zone.
For afternoon pick up, although the parking is not 2 minutes, parents are asked to be mindful of safety and refrain from double parking and completing U-turns in these locations. Please be aware of the permit parking zone, at the western end of Bellfield Drive, during afternoon pick-ups.
Also, please encourage your children to use the school crossings where possible.
Have a great weekend!
Adam Wight, Principal