Student Awards

Positive People Awards

Awards will be presented to students on Monday in their classes.


The totals points are:

In 4th place on 346 points TERRA

In 3rd place on 379 points VENTUS

In 2nd place on 397 points AQUA

In equal 1st place on 402 points IGNIS

Foundation AFrankie Eccles
Foundation BAlexa Mills
1AHarper Raitt
1/2CDeyasha Gumbo
2AFreya Cleverly
2BAminah Chand
3ALiam Taverna James
3BBronik Fenwick
4AArcher Gale
4BLuca Grey
4CMontana Redmond
5ABella Leonard
5BSandin Hewage
5CMatilda Stuart
6ACruz Roach
6BCheyanne Nelson
6CViolet Fletcher