
That's a wrap on this years GOvember. 

What a month we had and what an outstanding achievement by all staff and students. 

We smashed our target of 14,000kms, but most importantly everyone was active and enjoying themselves. 

Foundation AMason Zagami - always first off the blocks and encourages his friends to do their best! 
Foundation BBohdi Johnson - improving each day with persistence and determination.
1ALucas Kearney - for always giving his best!
1/2CFletcher Scanlon - for setting a personal goal and focusing on achieving it.
2AFreya Cleverley - for a consistent month of laps. 

Sylvie Van Rooy - for her amazing lap total to be the Queen of Govember

Oliver Nichols - for his amazing lap total to be the King of Govember


Bowie Lynch - for consistency and effort resulting in a massive lap count! 

Evie Foreman - for a huge effort and challenging herself to do more laps. 

3BLogan McKenzie - for consistent effort on his laps and a positive attitude to Govember

Abbie Linskens - for challenging herself throughout the whole month to complete as many laps 

as possible.


Felix Hayward - trying his best everyday including bolting in one last lap before the timer went off. 

Mustafa Malik - a super first Govember!

Sarabjot Bangar - a super first Govember! 

4CEthan Tupper - for completing more laps week by week.

Reyansh Pawar - for effortlessly running his laps each week. 

Bella Leanard - always giving it her best go. 

5BZak Vincent - for being a great walking companion throughout Govember.
5CRikki McDonald - consistently giving their best effort!
6ADominik Broadley - for his indomitable spirit in completing laps with a fractured arm.
6BRuby Moon - for an infectious positive attitude each Govember session.
6CAlison Alexander - for her unstoppable stamina and performance, proving that when it comes to running, park runs are just her warm up!

Year Level Champions

Year LevelStudents
FoundationMason Zagami and Lucy Linskens
Year 1Charlie Grey and Ellie-May Harris
Year 2Oliver Nichols and Sylvie Van Rooy
Year 3Angus McKinnon and Maisy Murphy
Year 4Kayden Parore and Chloe Campling
Year 5Sam Turner and Paige Serra
Year 6Ethan Hammersley and Starla Lilley

Staff Champions

Mrs Versteegh, Mr Williams and Mr O'Sullivan