Governing Council
Have you ever thought about getting more involved in the school's decision-making? Why not join the Governing Council?
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 6.00pm, following the OPEN AFTERNOON on Tuesday, 11 February.
All parents/carers who have children currently enrolled at our school in 2025 are eligible to nominate for election as a councillor.
A governing council meets twice a term to talk about the direction for the site. Meetings are a big part of being on a governing council, but it’s not only that. In your role you might:
- be on an interview panel to select the site’s principal or director
- need to deal with media in response to an event or a good news story
- be an employing authority of out of school hours care (OSHC) or canteen staff.
Shared responsibility
You do not work alone when you are on a governing council. You and the site leader have shared responsibilities, but your day-to -day involvement is different. In your role on a governing council, you work with the site leader to:
involve the local community
develop and approve local policies
set the broad direction and vision of the site
monitor and review the site improvement plan
be the employing authority of some services, including OSHC and canteen.
Site leaders work with governing councils to:
give educational leadership
carry out the site’s policies
carry out the site learning plan.
No parent/caregiver is eligible if they are:
- declared bankrupt or has applied 'for the benefit of a law for the relief of insolvent debtors'
- convicted of any offence prescribed by administrative instruction
Permanent employees of the Department for Education may stand for election but:
- must not compromise the majority of councillors
- are ineligible to hold the position of Chairperson
All school volunteers including members of Governing Council undertake a Criminal History Check through The Department. The school facilitates and pays for this process.
If you are elected, you will have the opportunity, if you wish to, be a member of a subcommittee. It will be completely your decision. Please complete the nomination link if you wish to be a member of our 2025 Governing Council.