Parent Teacher Partnership Meetings

Bookings are now open for Term 1 Parent/Teacher Partnership meetings on Monday 24th February or Wednesday 26th February between 3.40 and 5.40pm. The purpose of this meeting is to connect with your new teacher and an opportunity for you to share important information. For the most convenient time available, please book a meeting for your child in the near future.
Please consider the dot points below in preparation for the meeting.
- Is there anything you would like to share with the teacher about your child?
- What are you or your child worried about?
- What are you or your child excited about?
- Anything else?
Please note the teacher will give you a short summary of how your child has settled into their new class. The focus of this meeting is for you to share information and ask questions.
You are allocated a total of 10 minutes. If your discussion requires further attention, please make an additional time to speak with your teacher. The meeting is optional for children to attend.
There is no childcare available; students will not be supervised by staff during the meetings. If they are at school with you (including siblings), they will be expected to stay with you (please do not play on the playground or around the school without supervision).