
Welcome to the 2025 Academic Year. We are looking forward to a great year ahead at PVCC.
As you prepare your children for the start of term, we understand there may be some excitement, nerves and frustrations. We are here to help make the transition from holidays to school as smooth as possible.
The start of a new year is always a good time to reflect on our purpose. Moses delivered God’s commands to his special people so they could demonstrate to the other nations how to live under God’s kingship. God also instructed the parents to teach their children what Jesus later referred to as the greatest commandment:
“Listen, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone. And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” Deut 6:4,5
Parents are instructed to,
“Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” Deut 6:7
Parents, with the support of the community, were given the responsibility to make sure their children knew that all of life was a response to serving the God who loves us and has a good plan for us.
Over 45 years ago, a group of Christian parents founded Plenty Valley Christian College to partner with parents in teaching truth to their children. Our well-trained staff are committed to continuing this partnership and faithfully teaching your children.
It is our desire to continue that partnership and faithful teaching of your children.
We strive to work together in an open, caring, and respectful manner. The college is governed by a board elected from our company members, most of whom are current parents. Their role is to ensure the college upholds our vision and values.
Last year, we worked extensively on our Strategic Plan, which will be released soon. This plan outlines our direction for the next five years and helps parents and staff understand our goals.
Please join us in praying for our staff, parents, and students as we prepare for the year ahead.
New Leadership Structure
With over 950 students, we have expanded our executive leadership structure to meet their needs. I am now the Executive Principal, focusing on serving the Board and ensuring the college has the necessary policies and risk management.
Mrs. Rebekah Kearney is the Primary Principal, responsible for the primary section of the college. Mr. Chris Prior is the Secondary Principal, overseeing the secondary section. They are supported by Mr. Daniel Symons, Director of Learning and Teaching, and Mr. Craig Ogden, Director of Christian Formation. Mr. Peter Bain continues as our Business Manager.
We hope this structure will serve the college, staff, and families well as we continue to grow over the next five years.
Honouring a PVCC Founder
Muriel Auty 20/05/1929 – 27/12/2024
The College honours the contribution to our community made by Muriel Auty. In 1968, after a sermon at Eltham Christian Fellowship, Muriel expressed her wish that someone would do something about establishing a Christian school in our area. She was challenged to be that person, she prayerfully accepted the challenge and so began the genesis of what is now Plenty Valley Christian College.
Muriel offered her home as the meeting place for the growing steering committee, and she took on the role as secretary. Muriel went on to be very involved in the resulting association (now Plenty Valley Christian Education Ltd), and along with Marie Barnes, spent many hours searching for a suitable block of land. It was not long after a particularly disappointing plan falling through in 1977 that they bought our current block of land in 1978.
Our college began off-site in 1981 because of delays with council due to local objections but moved to the current site in 1984.
Muriel was not only very involved in the inception and growth of the parent group establishing the college, but her faith, tenacity and encouragement proved to be an essential element to the journey the Lord took our founders on.
I am sure as Muriel now stands before the Lord she is hearing the words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”
Along with her family and friends we celebrate her life and mourn that she is no longer with us.
Change to Mid-Year Staff Professional Development Week
The college has a staff professional development week in the middle of the year. Usually, this is during the first week of government schools’ Term 3. Because, this year, the government schools’ first two terms are long and the third and fourth are shorter PVCC will hold our PD Week in the last week of Term 2.
Please Note:
Term 2 for students will end on Friday 27 June 2025. (a week earlier than government schools)
Term 3 for students will begin on Monday 21 July 2025. (the same day as government schools)
Yours in Christ,
John Metcalfe
Executive Principal