Welcome to Term 3... and what a term it will be!

Information, news, and updates.

NPS 'ALWAYS ON' FEEDBACK PORTAL - Leave your feedback via this link

Principals' Day - Fri 2nd Aug

Today we celebrated our dynamic Principal duo of Mr Barclay and Mr McKinnis. 

From getting balls down from the roof and DJ-ing our student discos to overseeing the day to day school operations and ensuring each of our student's individual needs are met each and every day, no 2 days are ever same for a Primary School Principal! 

We would like to express our thanks and appreciation for the exceptional job that Corrie and Jarrod do in leading our great school.  


Father's and Special Person's Breakfast - Friday 30th Aug

Please mark this date in your calendars! 

All Students will be given an invitation to address and give to their Dad or a special person to invite to this breakfast. 


The invitation also includes a return RSVP overleaf - so that we may appropriately cater for the morning. 


We ask that all RSVP's are returned to school by no later than Fri 23rd August.

School Concert - Express Yourself! Mon 16th Sep

Fresh Meal Fairy - Canteen Service Contact Information, new interactive portal.

Please see the new portal created by the Fresh Meal Fairy just for our school, HERE

This portal can be used if you need to get in touch with the Fresh Meal Fairy regarding an issue with a lunch order or to cancel a lunch order (by no later than 9.30am of the day of the lunch order). 

Attendants stay onsite each lunch order day until after all lunches have been distributed to students. Please encourage your child to seek the Fresh Meal Fairy attendant if they have an issue with their lunch order, so it can be corrected on the day. Failing that, the new portal is a great new method of communication that can now be utilised by parents. 


There is also a facebook page you can access HERE, this page also has a message function to contact the service. 

The Fresh Meal Fairy can also be emailed at; thefreshfoodfairy@gmail.com

Newtown PS is Social!

Are you connected with our social media accounts?

Did you know that we are on Instagram and Facebook? We love sharing our achievements and happenings with our school community, and one of the ways in which we do that is via our social media. We have recently re-activated our Facebook page and continue to post on Instagram. Follow us via the links below.