Year Two

Communicating with the Year Two Team:
Rebecca Crawford (Class 2A)
Zoe Bates (Class 2B)
Students have been looking at more challenging graphemes (letter combinations) that make a variety of sounds. soft c: using the letters ce,ci,cy, makes ‘sss’ sound rather than the ‘k’ sound. Examples cylinder instead of cat. Soft g using the letters ge,gi,gy. Makes the ‘j’ sounds instead of the ‘g’ sound. Examples giraffe instead of going. We are currently learning about silent letters in words and how they are letters that appear in words that we do not pronounce. This week, we learnt that the silent ‘k’ is followed by an ‘n’ and appears t the beginning of a word, for example know, knot and knock. We also learnt that the silent ‘b’ is after the letter ‘m’ and is usually at the end of a word, for example: lamb, comb and climb.
Persuasive writing, students have been learning how to write the convince the reader about their point of view. We introduced the mentor text ‘I Wanna Iguana’ to tune students into writing for persuasion. Students brainstormed a variety of animals which they might want and developed reasons why so that they could convince their parents or teachers to get them one. They used strong language to make their opinions more convincing. Students learnt about the correct structure of a persuasive text and practised drafting their work in this format. They are beginning to understand the purpose of paragraphs and used the O: (opinion), R: (reasons), E: (examples/ evidence), O: (opinion) structure to support them with their writing. Convincing language was covered to make writing stronger. Once edited, students focused on writing their final copies without mistakes and demonstrating an application of teacher feedback and corrections. Their published work will then be collated into a class book titled ‘What Pet Should I Get?’.
Students have been learning that sometimes, authors don’t always give the read all of the information that they are thinking. This is a strategy that authors use to engage the reader and keeps them guessing. Understanding and noticing that unsaid information is called ‘inferencing’, or inferring. There is two main parts to inferring. Locating text clues and linking clues to things we already know. Students looked for clues in the text and linked them to their own experiences (or prior knowledge) to infer events and feelings of characters in passages of text. This has been done using images and building onto the words used in passages of text.
2D and 3D shapes.
Students have been looking at identifying the features of two dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They began with two dimensional shapes where they practised identifying making and drawing/ writing the shapes name, identifying the number of sides and faces. We then moved onto three-dimensional shapes that introduced edges and the concept of depth when considering the features of a shape.
Students are now investigating multiplication where they are developing an awareness of strategies and resources that can be used to represent groups of objects. This includes identifying 'groups of', 'repeated addition', and 'arrays'.
Production is next week!
Please take note of the following information.
Tech Rehearsal:
Night 1: Monday 5th August
Night 2: Tuesday 6th August
No costumes are required for tech rehearsal. Students should be in full school uniform and bring a small bag with lunch, snacks and water.
Production Nights:
Drop off: Between 5.15pm and 5.30pm in the foyer of Burrinja. You will need to sign your child in and a teacher will take them to the change rooms.
Pick up: Details about how to collect your child at the conclusion of the production will be provided on the night.
Students need to come to the Burrinja Cultural Centre dressed in their animal costume. Please ensure that your child brings their finale costume in a small bag, along with a snack. No electronic devices are to be sent please.
Face Paint:
Please note: If your child decides to have their face painted as their animal, this face paint will remain on for the duration of the production. This means that when they are dancing in the finale, they will still be in their chosen face paint.
Term Three Assemblies:
- Week 2 – Thursday 25th July
- Week 6 – Thursday 22nd August
- Week 8 – Thursday 5th September
Year Two Specialist Timetable:
These times are indicative of the school operating on a regular timetable and are likely change due to the variety of school wide events we offer our students.