Teaching & Learning


Year 12 VCE VM Step-A-Thon 

The year 12 VCE VM class this term have a community project in their personal development class. The requirements were to have a community issue that they believed needed attention, and find a charity they believe show support for that cause.  The class was split into different groups based on personal choice of multiple issues of the community like helping older Victorian migrants and refugees, littering and youth crime. After choosing their causes and being split into their groups, each group needed to find charities to call and persuade them to create a fundraiser for each group to donate to. After completing this step of the process the class started to set time aside within school hours to walk and record steps to counter for donations. A step-a-thon. This Project is still currently going forward with just this week to finish.

Hello, our group focus is littering and we are doing a step-a-thon to help raise money for “cleanup australia”. We are getting our steps up and cleaning up the rubbish in the community to help make this area even more beautiful. 

Starting on the 1st of August I have been raising money for my cause  Redcross. 

I have been raising money by walking steps for donations in a step-a-thon. The money is going towards the Red Cross Foundation which goes to supporting older Victorian migrants.

Olivia Stray & Lydia Burns

Coburg Connect

It is the middle of term and that means things are getting intense. In Coburg Connect, students have been supported through extra study sessions supervised by their form teacher. We have also had the excitement of the school captain elections, with fifteen candidates putting themselves forward and producing fantastic campaign videos that have been shown to the entire school. Students are also getting ready for the upcoming Student Led Conferences. As we move into the second half of term, the focus will switch back from study to relaxation and reflections, with games sessions and reviews of student goals through weeks six and seven. Year 10 and 11 will be combining for teacher-run clubs, with sixteen options including several sports (soccer, weights, downball), creative options (photography, songwriting, sketching, painting), activism (debating and the Model UN), movies and reading on offer. 

Jaan Butler

English Language

This semester, our Year 11 English Language students embarked on a fascinating journey through the evolution of the English language. They explored how the language has transformed over time, starting with a hands-on experience using a traditional printing press and mastering the art of calligraphy.

One of the semester's highlights was a special invitation to attend a lecture by the renowned linguist Kate Burridge at the Centre for Higher Education Studies. Her talk on "Language Change and the Pressures of Standard Language" provided invaluable insights that deepened the students' understanding of linguistic evolution.

The culmination of the semester was the eagerly awaited etymology presentations. Students delved into the origins of various words, enhancing their presentations with creative props that brought the history of language to life.

Lydia Burns