Principal's Report

2025 Captain Team Announcement
A big field of Year 11 candidates put their names forward to become part of the 2025 Coburg High School Captain team. They prepared applications, were endorsed by a member of the leadership team, prepared a video pitch to voters and for those shortlisted, had an interview with me and our Year 11 Leader Elle and Student Leadership Coordinator Jaan.
Congratulations to our 2025 Captains Josh & Hasti and Vice Captains Sienna & Clifford.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those Year 11 students who put their name forward and participated in this process - the panel was very impressed with the quality of the candidates. My thanks to Jaan for overseeing this rigorous process.
Semester 1 Awards Assembly & Visit from the Premier
On Tuesday 23 July we held our Semester 1 Awards Assembly. This was the second time we have used the Coburg Town Hall for our assemblies following on from a similar event for Year 7-9 students last December. With our large school population, we needed to have three assemblies across the day to allow everyone to attend.
Around 10 minutes before the VCE assembly began, I was informed that the Premier, Hon. Jacinta Allan MP would be visiting to speak with and to present awards to our senior students. The Premier also made a brief visit to the school with our captains Emma and Patrick, to check out the plans for our Technology Building and to talk about future stages of our Masterplan.
I'd like to thank our local member, Anthony Cianflone MP for organising the Premier's visit and to Anthony, Peter Khalil MP and Mayor Adam Pulford for speaking to our students. Also thanks to Merri-bek City Council for allowing us to use the Town Hall for the day and to Nat Abboud (School Council President), John Sachinidis and Tom Anderson (CHS Historical Group) for presenting awards. Tom told me that when he was at the 'old' Coburg High on Bell Street, they would have regular assemblies at the Town Hall, so it is nice that students from the 'new' Coburg High can follow in this tradition. It was great that parents could come along to see their child receiving an award, and congratulations to our fantastic bands who provided music at the beginning of each assembly - it was great to hear the Town Hall rock!
With so many award winners for Academic Excellence, our Values Awards and newly introduced 100% Attendance Awards, we weren't able to bring all award winners up on stage, but all students who received an award can find their name on the next page of our newsletter.
Congratulations - Student Excellence
Laila R of Year 11 was recently awarded the Adam Saad Pathways Academy medal for 2024 for her outstanding performance on and off the AFLW field. Well done Laila!
Technology Building progress
The builder for our $17.8m Technology Building has been appointed and will soon be announced. We anticipate works will begin in coming weeks - look out for a Compass newsfeed for access changes within the school which will begin shortly.
Minor works
We have had some additional works around the school - the old concrete cricket pitch has been removed as it was a potential hazard for those playing other sports. A path around Building C as well as the shortcut near the flagpoles have been finished, meaning students and staff using these routes now have an alternative to mud when it has been raining. Improvements to the area near the ramp into Building B and C are underway as well.
Book Week
A big thanks to our wonderful Librarian, Dianna, for putting on a fun week of activities for Book Week. See a report later in this newsletter and please check out our Instagram for more photos of this event, as well as many other happenings around Coburg High.
Brent Houghton