St James Executive Leadership 

Principal and Deputy Principal News 

Principal News


Welcome Back to Term 3!


Dear Students, Parents and Staff,


Welcome back to Term 3! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break. As we return to our classrooms and routines, I am excited about the many opportunities and activities planned for this term.


Our dedicated teachers have been preparing engaging lessons to make learning both fun and challenging. We will continue to focus on academic excellence, personal growth, and the wellbeing of every student.


We are delighted to welcome new students and their families to our school this semester. We are excited to have you join our vibrant community and look forward to fostering strong relationships. Our dedicated staff and supportive community are here to ensure a smooth transition and a successful academic journey for your children.


This term we have several exciting events and programs lined up, some of which include:

  • St James Feast Day: Today we celebrated this special day with various activities and a School Mass in our school hall.
  • Maths Family Afternoon: A fun-filled event where families can engage in math games and challenges together.
  • The Sacrament of Eucharist: A significant milestone for our students participating in this important sacrament.
  • Father's Day Breakfast: A delightful morning to honor and appreciate all the wonderful fathers and father figures in our community.
  • Parents Night Out - Double Denim theme: An opportunity for parents to relax and socialise.

These activities are designed to enrich our students' learning experiences and foster a strong sense of community.


Parents, your support is invaluable to us. We encourage you to stay involved in your child's education and to communicate with our teachers and staff. Together, we can continue to create and sustain a positive and nurturing environment for all our students.


To our wonderful staff, thank you for your hard work and dedication. Your commitment to providing a high-quality education and a caring atmosphere is what makes our school special.

Let’s make this term a fantastic one, filled with learning, growth, and memorable moments!



St James School Prayer

Roof works

I am pleased to inform you that we have commenced significant roof works this week as part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining and improving our school facilities. The project commenced during the school holidays with a high pressure clean of the roof.  Scheduled works will continue over the weeks ahead.   I will provide updates accordingly.


International students

We are excited to welcome a group of international students visiting from China and Hong Kong this term as part of an inaugural cultural immersion program. This initiative presents a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about others' cultures, make new friends, and share their own experiences. We look forward to the enriching interactions and global perspectives this visit will bring to our school community.


Vinnies CEO Sleepout / Fundraising Sausage Sizzle 

Thank you for all your generous contributions and support shown as I participated in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout.


It was a humbling experience to participate in the experience and do my part in raising homelessness.  On the night we heard from members of the community who have experienced homelessness and how Vinnies have been able to assist them in.  


The donation portal closes at the end of the month.  Thank you for all the donations that have already been received.


Safety:  Adhering to Speed limits around the School

As we prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our students, I am reaching out to remind everyone of the importance of adhering to speed limits around the school premises in particular St James Closes and Osbourne Close. With the new Term underway, it is crucial that we all take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe environment for the students at the school as well as neighboring schools.


Speed limits in school zones are set for a reason. They are designed to protect students, parents, and staff during peak hours of arrival and dismissal. Driving at safe speeds gives drivers ample time to react to sudden movements or unexpected events, such as children crossing the street.


Here are a few key reminders:

Observe Speed Limits: Always drive within the posted speed limits, especially in school zones.


Be Alert: Stay vigilant for children who may suddenly appear between parked cars.


Follow Traffic Signs: Pay close attention to all school zone signs, including No Standing, Keep Clear  and Pedestrian crossings.


Use Designated Drop-Off Areas: Utilise the designated drop-off and pick-up areas to ensure a smooth flow of traffic and safety for all.  Please adhere to the time limits.


By following these guidelines, we can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and create a safer environment for our children. Your cooperation and commitment to safe driving practices are greatly appreciated.


Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Let’s work together to keep our school community safe.


School Security

If you are dropping off or picking up students between 9.00am and 3.30pm, please ensure that this is done so via St James Close and the front office.  For security reasons we would like to ensure anyone entering or leaving the school during class time does so via the main entrance. The doors are locked once the school day commences.  Please ring the doorbell and a member of staff will let you in.  Thank you!


School Marketing 2024 / 2025

A friendly reminder that  enrolments for the upcoming school year have closed and our WAITLIST is in action. If you're an existing family at St James or you know of a family considering enrolling their child at our school, please remind them to submit their application using the online enrolment application available on the school website.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school directly on ph 03 9596-4766 or via email:


Thanks in advance!



  COVID Safe Protocols

St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 

Please click here to access the School Portal



Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 

School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio


Deputy Principal News


Hello Everyone and welcome back to Term 3,


We hope you had a restful break, although this being week 2, I am sure it almost feels like a distant memory. This term as with all terms we have lots of exciting events, including St James Feast day, St James Got Talent, Olympic celebrations, 100 days of Prep, Sport, excursions, sacraments, Book Week, Science Week, Maths Family Afternoon, Fathers day celebrations, St James Soiree and our Stay and Play sessions. Please see below key dates for Term 3. 


Don’t forget our school beanies are still for sale. Beanies are $20 each and you can purchase them with a pom pom or without. Beanies can be purchased through the following trybooking link:


Students are allowed to wear these beanies to and from school and when outside. They can also be worn by anyone in our school community, they are not just for the students.


Please ensure your child's uniform is labeled with their name clearly written on it. We have lots of lost property that is not named. 



Key Dates in Term 3

Thursday 25th July - Feast of St James Mass at 9.15am in the St James Hall, St James Got Talent at 2.30pm

Friday 26th July - School Assembly 2.45pm

Monday 29th July -  Junior School Potato Olympics

Wednesday 31st July - 100 days of Prep

                                          - SAC meeting 5.30pm

Thursday 1st August - Beachside Soccer Tournament-Selected Girls Team

Friday 2nd August - Green and Gold day and Olympics tabloid sports

Saturday 3rd August - St James Parents Night out

Monday 5th August - Prep/Year 6 Werribee Zoo Excursion

Tuesday 6th August-Thursday 8th August - Australian Mathematics Competition (Yr3-Yr6)

Tuesday 6th August - Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Evening 

Thursday 8th August - Stay and Play 9.15-10am

                                             - Whole School Assembly 2.45pm (Change of date to Thursday due to                                                   senior students at Hoop Time on Friday 9th August). 

Friday 9th August - Eucharist Reflection Day

                                     - Holt Senior Hoop Time Day

Monday 12th - Friday 16th August - Science Week

Wednesday 14th August - Holy Eucharist Mass 7-8pm (TBC)

Sunday 18th-Tuesday 20th August - St James Ski Team competing at 

SSV Snowports Mt Buller

Monday 19th-Friday 23rd August- Book Week 

Monday 19th August - Story Dogs Day-wear a touch of orange

Thursday 22nd August - Stay and Play 9.15-10am

Friday 23rd August - Book Week Parade  9.30-10.30am

Thursday 29th August - PA Meeting 7.30pm

Friday 30th August - Maths Family Afternoon 2.30-3.30pm

Monday 2nd September - Holt Athletics Carnival selected Year 3-6 students only

Thursday 5th September - Stay and Play 9.15-10am

Friday 6th September - Fathers Day Breakfast 7.45-8.45am

                                             - Whole School Assembly 2.45-3.30pm

Tuesday 10th September - STEM MAD Showcase- selected students only

                                                   - St James Soiree 5-6pm

Wednesday 11th September - SAC Meeting 5.30-6.30pm

Thursday 12th September - Colour Explosion Run 1.30-3.30pm

                                                     - R U OK? Day

Friday 13th September - Staff Planning Day for Term 4 - Students do not attend school

Tuesday 17th September - Holt Junior Hoop Time all students in Year ¾

Thursday 19th September - Footy Colours Day

                                                     - Stay and Play 9.15-10am

                                                     - End of Term 3   3.30pm Finish

Friday 20th September - School Closure Day- TIL for teaching staff



On Monday 28th October Susan McLean from CyberSafey Solutions will be holding a presentation for all parents in our community in regards to keeping our students safe online. There will be no charge to St James families to attend this evening. Please see below further information in regards to Susan’s credentials and what her presentation will cover. 


As mentioned in the previous newsletter, St James is now a Donation Partner for the Container Deposit Scheme. This means that each time you return your containers to Return-It Locations in the Victorian East Zone, you can choose to donate the money to St James.  This term any money raised will be donated to STEM 

@ St James School. 

You can either search for and donate to St James or you can use our Donation Partner ID or Barcode.  

Our Zone ID barcode is:


Thank you for helping us support our students and make a difference to our environment.



Emma Herbert and Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principals