Class | Teacher | Student | Value | Reason |
F1M | Mandy | Ari C | Persistence | Ari, I love how you are persistent even when challenged, especially in PMP this week. You have been a great friend to the whole class this week, helping other people to make great choices. Keep it up! |
2NW | Natalie and Jacinta | Harrison S | Do your best Persistence | Harrison, you've returned to school with a wonderful eagerness to learn. You've done a fantastic job at tackling more challenging words containing the long a sound. Keep up the fantastic work! |
34B | Bec | Asha C | Do your best, Kindness | What a fantastic start to the term Asha! You have shown this week that you can have a ‘Growth Mindset’ and approach your work with a positive, go getter attitude. The kindness that you show towards your friends and classmates inspires others to do their best. Thank you for being a wonderful 3/4B class member! |
34K | Kylie | Leo H | Do your Best | You have gotten off to a great start this term Leo. It’s been fantastic to see you listening intently in class and setting goals for yourself to achieve and to complete your tasks. Keep up the awesome effort! |
56D | Daniel | Tilly B | Do your best | For a brilliant start to the term and displaying persistence in completing your informative writing piece. Keep believing in yourself because you are capable of such amazing work. Keep it up! |
56S | Sonya/Anne | Amos | Do your Best | For giving everything a go this week, persisting with the tasks and displaying excellent listening skills. You are awesome. |
Auslan | Amy | Caden | Respect | Caden showed self-respect by valuing his learning time and addressing it with the teacher when his partner wasn’t working cooperatively. This improved both their learning opportunities for the lesson. Wonderful display of maturity that helped others to succeed as well. |
PE | Kate W | Heath and Moss | Persistence | Your 4 beat dance routine to the Bunnings Warehouse theme song this week was creative, entertaining and showed some creative thinking to tackle the task. Well done! |
Performing Arts | Bec | Heidi E | Do your best | Heidi, what a superstar! I’m looking forward to one- hand cartwheels in your dance routines. You were an attentive and active listener when learning about Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Keep up the great performance! |
Visual Arts | Kate W | Fletcher | Helping others succeed | You were the most wonderful helper in art this week. You helped lots of your classmates with their paper weaving and did a fantastic job showing them the correct technique. Great job! |