
School Anxiety Webinar

In this webinar, Karen and I leave want to offer you comprehensive actionable insights and tools about: 

  • Why school anxiety happens – even for us as big people! 
  • Specific triggers and symptoms that manifest in our homes and at every school (even the best ones).
  • Why anxiety isn’t the problem, but how our response can cause trouble for them.
  • How we can support our kids and teens to respond in a way that doesn’t stifle them.
  • What happens if we support kids in avoiding school. 
  • Some language (and tools) to use when our kids and teens are overwhelmed about school – and want to avoid it.
  • How to communicate with the school and advocate for their needs.
  • The three things that helps our kids stay connected to their education.
  • A discussion about alternative school options, our kid’s diverse needs and strengths.

School Refusal Clinic

Parent Night Opportunity and Workshops