Highlights of the Week 

Aussies of the Month

Congratulations to all our Aussies of the month winners who demonstrated the values of resilience, responsibility and respect:


Rodney (SLC/5) for demonstrating resilience by persevering with tasks even when they are hard.




Sebastian (JLC/2) for demonstrating resilience and perseverance as he navigates around the school while in a wheelchair. 




Bethany (SLC/5) for demonstrating how to be responsible in a classroom environment using voice volume appropriate to the setting.




Robert (SLC/6) for demonstrating respect by holding doors open for others and using his manners in the school environment.


SLC Assembly

Last Wednesday SLC students presented their learning at the assembly. We heard about their fabulous historical dioramas, the STEM mad "caring for coral"  presentation and some excellent writing and maths learning.  Well done to all SLC children on a wonderful assembly!

   STEM MAD Day - Thursday 12th October

We are so proud of Bethany, Theresa, Tom and Jayden who represented Holy Saviour at the STEM Making a Difference Day last Thursday 12th October. They presented their “Caring for Coral” project to many people throughout the day...



Last Thursday the MAD (Make A Difference) STEM team attended the Catholic Leadership Centre with Ms Reincke and Mr Evans, along with 220 other schools.  We were successful in the first stage of a competition to make a prototype of a design that could help a real world issue. 


We presented our submarine rover made with lego, mindstorms and robotics to several judges and teachers. Our design is a robot which will expand the amount of coral living amongst our coral reefs, which are affected by climate change and coral bleaching. The reefs have been dying due to global warming, tourism, littering and we have also figured out that the human touch can also kill coral because some reefs are very fragile. We decided that for this solution a robot is better suited to the job. Coral is very fragile and important to the marine life as many different marine life such as sea turtles, fish and other sea animals live and depend on it. 


It was an amazing experience and it was a great opportunity to show our engineering skills. There were lots of fantastic designs and technology from many school students across Victoria.


Bethany, Jayden, Theresa & Tom